Godly Choice System - Chapter 1497

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:35:15 AM

Chapter 1497

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Moreover, fox Xiaomeng's face was obviously excited. It was estimated that she was tired of watching volcanoes all the time. She was eager to meet someone like song Xianshi.

"Brother Yun, let's go high. Hey, I took a telescope with me."

Hu Xiaomeng sneaked up a high slope. Regardless of the gray and black magmatic rock on the ground, he directly crawled down, tilted his legs backward, and took out a small telescope, and looked back and forth in the distance.

"How can it be so simple..."


Li Yun just wanted to laugh and tell her to come down quickly and stop playing. Unexpectedly, the girl screamed: "Brother Yun, sister Fengfeng, I saw a person!"



Li Yun and Zhao Tianfeng looked at each other, and they both felt incredible. Did she really run into a dead mouse by her blind cat?

When they went up to the high slope, they squatted down and looked through Hu Xiaomeng's small telescope. As expected, they found a man standing on the rock of a volcano in the distance.

The effect of this small telescope is not very good, but Li Yun can still vaguely see that the other party is a man, whether his right hand is bent up to his mouth, and then moved away, which shows that the other party should be smoking happily.

"Hum ~" Hu Xiaomeng was very proud and said in a positive tone: "there is no one around this man, but he is still staying at the middle of the active volcano. It can be seen that he is not anxious to leave. I am sure that there must be something in that volcano that you are looking for!"

"Maybe the other party is tired and doesn't want to climb the mountain." Li Yun shrugged her shoulders and denied her statement. Hu Xiaomeng immediately puffed up her cheek: "Brother Yun is really annoying. He is always against others! Necrosis ~ "

Li Yun looks funny. The girl looks cute and cute, especially when her cheeks are bulging and she is staring at him with clear and bright eyes, she is even more cute with nosebleed.

"Well, we'll see how it works."

With a smile, Li Yun stretched out his hand and pinched Hu Xiaomeng's bulging white tender cheek. With a puff, Hu Xiaomeng breathed out a sweet girl's breath, which made Li Yun think of the confused and astringent actions of the other party when kissing the girl.

Cough, let's go

Li Yun quickly restrained his evil thoughts, but his little girl friend covered her mouth and snickered, obviously seeing the look in his eyes just now.

"Let's go, let's go ~"

Hu Xiaomeng took Li Yun's hand and said in a very dark tone: "let's finish these things quickly, so that we can go back to the hot spring ~"

Zhao Tianfeng is slightly invisible red, but there is no opposition.

Isn't it normal to take a public hot spring?

Li Yun almost can't help but think crooked, fox Xiaomeng this girl is really a person small ghost big - another meaning of the person small ghost big.

"You walk behind me."

"Eh? Why? Ah, I see! "

Hu Xiaomeng nodded. Brother Yun's sense organs are very sensitive. He is not easy to be seen when he walks in front. He can find a suitable route to approach the volcano.

However, Li Yun did not go directly to the target point, but returned to the black car near the road and first issued the license plate number "hj3451" to director Amur.

Soon, when Li Yun confirmed that no one was watching the car, he got a telephone reply from the director.

"Fake car? OK, I see. "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li."

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