Godly Choice System - Chapter 1502

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:35:05 AM

Chapter 1502

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Li Meng said that he was not afraid of the other party's suggestions, and even let others know if they were ready to do so

"I see. He's the bait." Hu Xiaomeng patted his head and said with chagrin: "Brother Yun was so overbearing before, which led me to think that the problem was somewhat reckless."

"Blame me?"

"Hee hee ~"

Zhao Tianfeng nodded slightly, approved Li Yun's practice, and asked him to take out the crescent blade and hold it in his hand, ready to fight at any time.

Preparing to enter the labyrinth of the crater below, Hu Xiaomeng also closed his mouth and put on gloves in both hands. Even if she had no combat effectiveness, she could not become a burden.

"Ding, the host makes a choice, rewards justice + 500, experience + 1 million, all attributes + 800, purple Gift Bag * 1."

In this way, Li Yun and the two of them went down to the very large crater, and it took more than ten meters to reach the ground.

"Here It's terrible! "

Once on the ground of the crater, Hu Xiaomeng sighed in a low voice.

This huge crater formed by three volcanoes in parallel is densely covered with towering gray black magmatic rocks, some of which are more than 30 meters high, pointing straight to the sky, like inverted stalactites.

In the maze of human walking and magmatic rock, the eyes are full of stones, and the road is winding around in seven directions, or wide or narrow, which makes people dizzy.

What's worse, the road is not flat. If you are not careful, you will encounter magma cracks. If you get stuck, you will fall into the magma, which is very dangerous.

"Tianfeng, are you hot?"

Li Yun takes a look at Zhao Tianfeng. Her cheek is a little red. The heat of this Flaming Mountain is beyond imagination. Walking in the crater is like walking in a red hot iron pot, and the heat waves are constantly coming up from below.

What's more, the maze formed by the solidification of these magmatic rocks perfectly covers the heat emission, making the temperature more exaggerated.

Hu Xiaomeng blinked, but she didn't feel very hot, because Brother Yun had given her a fire shield before, but it was only one.

"I'm fine!"

Zhao Tianfeng's voice was cold, but her eyes turned to one side. She didn't seem to dare to look at Li Yun.

Of course, she knew that Li Yun was not reluctant to take out a fire escape talisman, but only one, no matter how many, could only be given to Hu Xiaomeng, the weakest in the team.


Li Yun took out a small bottle and put it into Zhao Tianfeng's hand. "You don't need to save Qi. Try to isolate heat with genuine Qi. If you feel that Qi is not enough, take a pill."

"Is this Zhao Tianfeng's voice trembled slightly and her eyes became more and more erratic. She didn't expect that Li Yun was so kind to her and cared about her so much

"Small recovery pills can restore physical strength and Qi, and even restore mana. It's just that the recovery of mental power is poor. Therefore, you need to save your mind."

Li Yun told her that Zhao Tianfeng's face became more and more red. Finally, she took the bottle with a very low voice.

"Go on, you are behind me."

Li Yun didn't think so much about it. He didn't go to the front for the sake of male chauvinism. Instead, his mind could find out the enemy in advance, so as not to directly collide with the enemy.

The three continued to shuttle back and forth in the crater labyrinth, but the complexity of the labyrinth far exceeded Li Yun's imagination.

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