Godly Choice System - Chapter 1633

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:31:48 AM

Chapter 1633

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Li Yun naturally does not know that Nie Xiaoqian recalled her real name. After taking Xiaodie out to the outside world, he only looked at the hot spring, which was dazzling white, amazing and itchy. He felt that it was necessary for Xiaodie to accompany her!

After all, at the moment, there are "looking back and smiling, six palace pink and white without color", and "spring cold gives you a bath in Huaqing pool, hot spring water is slippery and coagulating grease", which makes you smile and look forward to it, and you will find beauty everywhere.

Li Yun didn't even dare to imagine and describe too much, so as not to explode directly like halaha volcano.

"Ah, Brother Yun, you finally come out!"

Dressed in the dark blue dead pool water, with a number cloth on her chest and the words 6-4 written on it, Hu Xiaomeng happily waved to Li Yun in the hot spring water. When she saw the black feather butterfly coming out together, she was even more happy to shout: "Wow, little butterfly, come here and play with my sister Xiaomeng!"

"Yahoo, sister AI diedI is coming ~ ~"

the black feather butterfly didn't refuse at all, and she didn't take off her fairy skirt. She directly slapped down two pairs of beautiful black wings and slapped it on Hu Xiaomeng's face.

One big and one small, but both of them are girls. They play directly. They flutter back and forth in a hot spring half the size of a swimming pool, setting off bursts of water spray. The laughter makes people feel happy.

Li Yun changed into a swimming trunks, lying comfortably in the hot spring water, letting the warm spring water soak his whole body, so as to relieve the fatigue of these days.

The beauty beside her smiles, and she can take down the frozen milk and fruit from the low table on the bank, which can be regarded as the supreme enjoyment!

"Hello, Hello!"

Zhao Tianfeng, who had always wanted to see him, did not dare to stare at him. Sitting in the spring not far from him, he squinted at Li Yun's figure and immediately blushed.

"What?" Li Yun asked lazily.

Zhao Tianfeng's face is dry and hot. This person's figure is really the most beautiful she has ever seen!

Yes, a boy's figure can also use the word beautiful.

All because of Li Yun's height ratio, muscle lines, skin texture and so on, have reached a perfect point!

It belongs to art, so it is absolutely right to describe it with beauty!

"No, nothing."

Zhao Tianfeng shrunk and let his chin soak in the spring.

It's strange that she doesn't dislike the hot spring water at all. Although Li Yun has soaked in it, she doesn't hate it, as if Even if she drinks some accidentally, she doesn't feel sick. Instead, she wants to get closer to him.

"Feng Feng, you are so strange."

Li Yun chuckled, and Zhao Tianfeng immediately blushed, "don't call me that! You, you are going to die

Xiaomeng is still around, but this jerk calls her the name of intimacy. Isn't it intentional to see her make a fool of herself?

Moreover, the sound of Feng Feng really made her feel numb and soft.

"Feng'er, do you want some grapes? It's frozen. It's cool! "

"To Ah, don't call me this again

"What, this? Feng'er? "

"You, you, you!"

Angry Zhao Tianfeng rushed over, took a shower of water, reached out and pinched Li Yun's face.

"Cough, no, I'm eating."

"Eat, eat, I'll let you eat!"

Hu Xiaomeng, who is playing diving with Xiaodie, is surprised to see a pair of eyes from the bottom of the water and turns to look at the two people in the fight.

"It's like Eh? So fast

"Wuwu, sister Fengfeng is so bold that she is quick Well, with strong physical strength, suppress all resistance of Brother Yun! "

"Hee hee, Brother Yun must Did you enjoy it? Sister Feng Feng has such a good figure. "

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