Godly Choice System - Chapter 1845

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:26:28 AM

Chapter 1845

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In the herbal garden, a black cocoon emitting beautiful starlight was reflected in Liu Xianxian's eyes, which made her more and more surprised. She opened her eyes and carefully observed the magic cocoon.

It is black and translucent in shape, and there is a little girl with red fruits. She is curled up in her mother's stomach. Although she has slender hands and feet, she looks like a seven or eight year old girl.

But she was quite small, the size of an adult's head, the size of a baby.

"This, what is this?" Liu Xianxian felt that her eyes would not be enough. Everything here is amazing!

"Nine winged Black feather butterfly, a kind of intelligent Biology. "

Saying that the fierce beast was too ugly, Li Yun added with a smile: "it's also my daughter."

“? Daughter? "

Liu Xianxian suddenly thought of a lot, is this Li Yun's daughter in the sense of blood? Although she is somewhat magical, it is not impossible to be born. After all, it involves the realm of immortals.

In myths and legends, isn't the creation of creatures by gods all weird?

"Where do you want to go? It's a dry daughter

"Hee hee, I'm sorry."

Liu Xianxian vomited her little pink tongue and looked at the black feather butterfly: "is she sleeping now?"

Li Yun didn't answer immediately. He touched the black translucent cocoon. Miraculously, the black feather butterfly inside the cocoon trembled, stretched, kicked its legs, and then changed its posture to continue sleeping.

She seems to be responding to Baba's intimacy.

"It's sleep. It's evolution, exactly. It's like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly."

Before that, the cocoon was completely black. After more than half a month's digestion, the black cocoon gradually became transparent, and the black feather butterfly inside also began to emit three kinds of magical light.

Red, yellow, blue.

It seems that just for her third eclosion, I don't know if there will be a beautiful scene of nine colors when she eclipses for the ninth time.

Li Yun took Brahma Qingsheng to visit. Unfortunately, she knew very little about ancient things, especially the black feather butterfly.

"Butterfly?" Liu Xianxian's eyes lit up, "will it become more beautiful? More cute? Ooh, I really want to hold her. What a lovely little fellow ~! "

"There will be a chance."

Li Yun laughed, stretched out his foot and stepped on the toad, and said, "let's go to the lake."


You eyes toad quick jump, carrying two people to the lake.

Next, Liu Xianxian saw the reason why the fairy house was full of wonderful fragrance:

in the lake, five Xianlian flowers with buds were spreading out, giving off condensed essence aroma, lingering around the lake like fairy mist, reflecting with ordinary lotus flowers and lotus leaves, and a lotus picking girl washing hands by the lake, forming a beautiful scenery line.

"It's so beautiful, so beautiful ~ ~"

Liu Xianxian's eyes are shining. She can't wait to walk along the bridge to the pavilion in the center of the lake and watch the fairy lotus closely.

She seems to have overlooked one thing Wait, lotus girl?

"Ah, it's Nie Xiaoqian!"

Liu Xianxian then reflected that the graceful woman washing her hands by the lake was Nie Xiaoqian, the ghost in red.

“…… Young master, Miss Liu. " Nie Xiaoqian or some shy, stand up quite a bit at a loss standing in the lake.

Liu Xianxian chuckled. She finally knew why Nie Xiaoqian was digging mud:

there is a bamboo building by the lake

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