Godly Choice System - Chapter 1881

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:25:38 AM

Chapter 1881

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"It's too fake. Why don't you just go to heaven after writing 12 math multiple choice questions in three minutes?"

"Cheating should be professional, right?"

"Do you really think you are learning from God? It can't be true? Not really? "

The rhythm of the barrage completely out of control, a large number of spectators protested and refused to believe this ridiculous thing!

Even if you are a genius, you still need to write and draw on the draft paper. But now the anchor is just writing blindly. It's faster than copying answers!

"Brother, it looks like Caiwei finally can't help opening her mouth. Her small face is full of worried expression.


Li Yun looked up at the computer screen, saw the screen crazily brush on the screen, shrugged disapprovingly: "well, since you don't believe it, I'll write a little bit of thinking, and interested audiences can follow my ideas to answer and see if they can answer."

After all, there are too many ways to cheat, but if they have ideas, they can go along to verify whether it is correct or not.

"Here's the question to fill in the blanks. Question 1: curve There's nothing to say. The first question in the blank is to give points. Simply use the tangent equation

"The second question, ha ha, this one is simpler. As long as you examine the problem well, you will know that it is the application of the equal ratio middle term of the equal ratio sequence. The answer is 121 / 3."

"The third problem, probability, is incompatible with each other. It's OK to set up a formula. There is almost no calculation. What needs to be noted is that..."

"The fourth question needs auxiliary lines. Well, if you have a strong spatial imagination, you don't need to draw them on the sketch paper. Connect AD and BD, and you will find something new."


In the live broadcasting room, the number of bullet screens has been reduced by the naked eye, but the number of people online has been maintained at 7 million, or even slightly increased.

After Li Yun wrote the third question, the audience finally worked it out.

"I Cao, the second question is really equal to the middle

"Tearful eyes, I am the national I volume, the fourth question at that time tangled for a long time, the train of thought can't open at all, now listen to the anchor's prompt to do it."

"This, this, this! The great God is indeed a great God

"The auxiliary line skill is excellent, I actually worked out the fourth question!"

"What about those who say it's impossible to learn from God's anchor? Come out and take two steps? "

The audience closed their mouths when they saw Li Yun's answer to the question like flowing water.

Even the most critical audience, after seeing Li Yun's clear problem-solving process, are convinced to play a barrage: Bull force!

Other small anchors of shark TV platform are not convinced, and they take up the rhythm again. They say that Li Yun has money. He must have recited the answer last night, so he can quickly answer the question.

Li Yun's new fans retort that it's not necessary to do so by learning from God. Both sides are arguing and chaoguan finally makes a move.

"Fat smash has been banned forever."

"September field has been banned forever."

"Shepherds have been banned forever."

The super tube thunder method scared many people, and the rhythmic ones finally shut their mouths one after another, greatly improving the quality of the barrage.

After 20 minutes, Li Yun finished the college entrance examination paper and began to write Wenzong.


"Isn't it?"

"Is that ok?"

"My God, the anchor can do both arts and science?"

"I Cao, it's no wonder that I want to live for one day. The amount of writing in this Wenzong is too much!"

"I can only say: learn from God, the anchor is a force!"

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