Godly Choice System - Chapter 1922

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:24:33 AM

Chapter 1922

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"Sister, are you going to play?" Li Yun looked at her and found that her eyes were full of worry, so he took her small hand and comforted him: "don't worry, sister. The Taoist temple people are not enough for your brother. I'm good at one finger. I'm just going to play. Do you want to go?"

"I'm not going. I'm not as naive and curious as snow white."

"You are naive ——From the room came the voice of Snow White's protest.

Ignoring her best friend in the house, Li Feng gently admonished her: "if you want to do anything, my sister will not stop you, but you must be careful and careful. You should know -" she has emotion in her eyes, "your sisters and I are waiting for you to come back!"

Li Yun was moved in his heart, but he did not use words to express, but directly used actions.

Li Feng slowly closed her eyes like water.


"Big sex wolf!"

Fang Xue changed into a suit of black long sleeve trousers suitable for sports and came to the balcony. At a glance, she saw the two people who were intimate with each other, making her face red again.

However, just now she and Li Feng have been bullied once. Now Fang Xue can resist shyness and look at their intimacy curiously.

I don't know how long I watched, and finally even she was pulled into the gang by Li Yun.

Another five minutes.

Fang Xue leans back in the maid Li Yun powerlessly. She can already imagine how chaotic the relationship between the three will be tomorrow night, the next travel time, and even in the future university.

"Go, go! Don't you do that again

After recovering some strength, Fang Xue turns into a female tiger and orders Li Yun fiercely.

"Yes, wife!"

Li Yun, who is about to fulfill his wish, smiles with satisfaction, and the rest will continue tomorrow evening.

He stood up and put his arms around Fang Xue's slender waist, and let the latter stare at him again: "big lecher, you take advantage of me again!"

"Don't you want to go with me to the Taoist temple at night?"

"I can go myself!"

Fang daxiaohua gave him a white eye, so he hugged her, it is not walking and kissing? She didn't believe that Li Yun, the villain, could bear it.

Li Yun mysterious smile: "snow, do you want to experience the feeling of flying up?"

Fly Get up?

Forgive the naive and curious Fang University flower. She is really not a very impure girl. But now, Li Yun takes her, her best friend and three people together in the presidential suite of the hotel on the top of the Mount Tai. The door is locked. The mood and atmosphere have been brewing, and she is almost at the door.

How can she not want to be crooked?

"Ha ha ha, where did my little snow go?"

“…… Hum, it's not all your fault! "

Fang Xue puffed up her cheek, and the villain always bullied her at this time.

"OK, I'm sorry. Can I apologize?"

Li Yun said that he apologized, but his right hand was holding Fang Xuezhen's soft willow waist tightly, and he took her to the balcony.

"You, you, what do you want?" Fang Xue guessed what, expression suddenly became flustered, hands subconsciously tightly embrace him, beautiful eyes stare big.

"Brother, don't mess around!" Li Feng, lying on the chair, also called.

"Don't worry. It's OK. Come on!"

Li Yun jumped up and jumped down with Fang Xue: "I'll show you the feeling of 'flying up'!"

Fang Xue, it's really flying!

Looking at the two people straight down, their best friend and sister-in-law screamed. Li Feng was so surprised that her heart beat to her throat. After a long time in the chair, she realized that they were all right.

Although we can't see the whereabouts of the two people because of the night, since my brother took the initiative to jump down with little snow white, it must be ok?

After thinking about it, Li Feng sent a message to Fang Xue and Li Feng respectively to confirm the situation.

"Bad brother, what a mess

Li Feng reclined on the chair again and closed her eyes for a rest. Her body still vaguely remained the feeling of happiness and happiness.

Thinking of what will happen tomorrow night, Li Feng blushed and went back to her bedroom after a short rest on the balcony.

She should have a good rest and show her most perfect side in front of Li Yun tomorrow

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!