Godly Choice System - Chapter 1940

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:24:09 AM

Chapter 1940

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Zhang Zhenfeng held up his sharp blade and was about to fall.

A fiery red sword light swept by, and the sharp sword gave off a burning energy breath, which just passed over Zhang Zhenfeng's head. His hair immediately curled up as if to be ignited.

In the twinkling of an eye, the sword Qi split the cabin in half. The roof was leveled off, and the moonlight shone straight in, shining on the faces of Bu Junxian and bu Junxian.

"No, no, no!" help! Mr. Li, help!

The scene quieted down, and all the people in the temple were frightened by the red sword light of Li Yun. They forgot to speak for a moment, and their eyes were fixed on the fire shining sword!

"What sword is this?"

"Who is this?"

The fire was blazing, and the people turned their heads and looked at the half of the wooden house which was still burning. They were scared again.

The Yang attribute of all sects in the Jianghu is genuine Qi. Which one's internal skill can ignite the wood block?

Master realm!

Only if we can control the power of heaven and earth, and let the wind and rain and thunder between heaven and earth be used by ourselves, can we do such a thing!

"How can it be, how can it be It's a grand master

The big elder of Quan Yi Taoist temple trembled with his lips. Such a young master's state is completely unheard of and unprecedented, which is beyond the scope of ordinary people's imagination.

"Light snow."

Li Yun calmly took out a dagger and handed it to her, "you go and untie the rope on them. Don't worry. If anyone dares to move, I will let their heads fall to the ground directly!"

Half of the wooden house has been burned half. Even a little power of the earth evil fire on the leap fire divine sword is enough to make the power of the fire far beyond the ordinary fire.

"Good!" Fang Xue took a deep breath and calmed his heart.

She knew that it was not the time to talk about other things. It was important to save people first!

"Woo woo Hoo Hoo ~!"

Xiao Qin's four people watched Fang Xue running over. They were all excited and tearful. They were frightened for most of the night, and now they finally see a glimmer of dawn!

Fang Xue trotted past Zhang Zhenfeng, the great elder martial brother of the whole Taoist temple, but now he does not dare to move, standing in the same place, holding the long sword in his hand, and not daring to put it down at all. If Li Yun misunderstands that he wants to shoot his girlfriend, Zhang ZHENFENG can't guarantee that the head on his neck is still there at the next moment.

"Don't move. It's not good to cut it."

Fang Xue first cut off the rope that they tied to the post, and then cut off the ones on both feet. The dagger was sharp enough, but the fire around her made her very uncomfortable, so she urged the four people to come out first.

"Mr. Li Yun, help us!" The three girls cried and ran to Li Yun. They didn't dare to escape from Quanyi Taoist temple by themselves. The Taoist temple is like a tiger's den in the dragon pond in her eyes. She can't escape alone.

Bu Junxian blushed purple and stood in front of Li Yun in embarrassment. He did not dare to say a word.

"Ding, host makes a choice, reward justice value + 10000, experience value + 1 million, all attribute + 2000, golden gift bag * 1. Additional reward: benevolence and kindness (primary, passive) "

" roar! "

The low roar of the tiger rose again, turning the attraction of all the people to the other end. Finally, they walked out of the darkness and came to the town tiger in front of them.

With just one look, everyone's scalp was numb with fear.

The tiger, too big!

The giant tiger on all fours is a story high, about the size of a bus. Its long tail is like the steel bars tied up in the construction site. Its hair is shiny, and the soles of its feet are the size of a millstone. People have no doubt that if they are patted by the tiger, people will directly turn into meat paste.

I can't die any more.

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