Godly Choice System - Chapter 1951

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:23:53 AM

Chapter 1951

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Li Yun's expression remained unchanged, and the leap fire sword in his hand was cut off again.

In a flash, another 20 small flying swords shot out.

With another wave, more than a dozen flying swords appeared.

Li Yun continued to chop, hundreds of flying swords filled the sky like locusts, and the sky was full of fire red swords. Everyone who saw it was shocked and opened his mouth.

"Old man, Gong?"

Fang Xue looks at the sky in disbelief. Her husband has always been so fierce. What she saw before was just the tip of the iceberg!

"How about such an attack?"

Li Yun pointed to the leap fire sword in his hand, and the flying sword hovering in the sky roared down, like meteors rushing to the ground, encircling and strangling the master Longwei, the tiger demon.

The newborn tiger demon finally showed a frightened expression for the first time. However, the tiger demon did not turn around and run away as the ordinary people were afraid of. On the contrary, it aroused the ferocity in his body.

Demon clan, born to fight heaven and battlefield, bloodthirsty!

"I'm afraid of you? Kill

Master Longwei's hands were for a while, and he hit the falling flying sword with ten blood red sharp lights in his claws.

At the same time, his body fell low, his feet severely stepped on the ground, the whole person jumped up, his hands waved repeatedly, and the tail behind him also swayed, fighting with the sword light all over the sky.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

The sound of percussion was continuous. Countless sword lights were destroyed and turned into flames. The surrounding mountains were ignited. All around were suddenly as bright as day.

Li Yun repeatedly waved the leap fire sword, and the flying sword continued to shoot out. Master Longwei tried to break through the encirclement of the flying sword and rushed in front of him several times, but every time he was blocked back by the flying sword which was bitten by bees!

Finally, the tiger demon roared, and a powerful blood color light burst out on the body, which broke through the encirclement and suppression of hundreds of sword lights in an instant, and the blood shock wave flat swept all around!

"Little beast, where did you get your weapon?"

Tiger demon panting standing in place, a pair of eyes hate to stare at Li Yun, the idea of retreat in the heart.

He didn't know anything about the practitioner. He thought he should find a weapon to fight against the small animal!

Li Yun, who was holding the leap fire sword, said with a smile: "it's excusable that people scold me as a little animal, but how can you have the face to scold others as an old animal?"

"Smart mouth."

The tiger demon looked at him coldly, and suddenly his feet moved. His two meter high body ran towards the back of the mountain like lightning. As long as he entered the forest, he was sure that his hidden breath could never be found!

"Little beast, you wait, I will come back!"

"Hehe, do you think you can escape? I've been waiting for your hand, God sky thunder


The thick purple thunder fell down, and it was right on the fleeing tiger demon. He screamed in an instant. The thick white hair curled and burned, and a stream of black smoke came out of his body. He was lying on the ground miserably. His life and death were unknown.

The crowd was stunned.

In particular, quanyidaoguan and others, who had planned to have a conflict with Li Yun before, are even more frightened now. Their eyes are full of awe when they look at Li Yun.

First the fire, then the flying sword, and then the thunder.

"this Li Yun as like as two peas in the Taoist Scriptures!"

Three elders suddenly think of a thing, the more shocked in their hearts.

Li Yun, is it a fairy?

They met a fairy?!

How can this make a Taoist temple, who has become an immortal, seek Tao!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!