Godly Choice System - Chapter 1998

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:22:44 AM

Chapter 1998

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Li Yun's innocent expression: "their hotel must have seen this kind of thing a lot, handling the follow-up is very professional, not to mention we are still guests of the presidential suite, they will handle it more carefully!"

"That won't work either."

Fang Xue drum mouth, the expression can not be said lovely, but compared to before, now she has a burst of different charm, only belongs to the charm of women.

Of course, the flower of Fang University is just a freshman, and she is green and shy.

"What do you say?" Li Yun asked with a smile.


Fang Xue bit her lip, blushed and said, "next time, you can't go to the hotel, or at your own home Ah, why do I tell you this! The wolf

Li Yun, laughing, took the initiative to hold the small hand of Fang Xiaohua, who was embarrassed. "OK, we are at home. It happens that I want to buy a house in Zhonghai city."

"You want to buy a house?"

"Brother, do you want to buy a house again?"

Fang Xue and Li Feng look at him at the same time.

"Didn't I say that?"

"No!" X2

"well, it seems that I forgot."

Li Yun said with a smile: "buying a house is actually my decision a long time ago. Although Gong Qingyu has always asked me to live in her house, considering the three sisters and the residence of the little princess, I finally decided to buy a house."

Although Gong Qingyu is his girlfriend and fiancee, Li Yun's taking his family to live is not a place to live, but there will always be inconveniences, and the growth of Caixia Caiwei's two sisters is not good.

Even if he wants to live in Qingyu's house, Li Yun will buy a house in Zhonghai city!

"Xiaoxue, will you go and choose with us Turning to look at Fang Xue, Li Yun said with a smile.

"What am I going to do Wait, you don't want to marry with the house you bought now Shall I go through the door

Fang Xue's face was slightly rosy.

People have been handed over to him, and got the permission of their parents and family. It is indeed possible to consider marriage, although she and Li Yun still have four years to spend in college.

"What if I say yes?" Li Yun holds Fang Xue's small hand with a smile.

"Want to be beautiful ~"

Fang Xuejiao shook off his hand angrily: "I want to have a wife in my house now? Hum ~, at least it must be a super beautiful castle! "

She heard that there are ten very beautiful castles in Zhonghai city. There are also some historical relic level houses in France, which are very expensive.

However, her husband's present wealth, should be able to buy easily.

"Castle? It turns out that you want to be a princess

"Of course ~ ~ hee hee."

Chatting with them happily, Li Yun could not feel the passage of time, and soon the plane landed at Zhonghai airport.

"Come on, let's go home!"

Li Yun and his two women were just about to leave the airport for the station. Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out from the exit, a person he knew came up.


The Gong driver who had carried Li Yun before saluted him respectfully, causing Fang Xue to eat vinegar.

Actually called uncle, she is clearly not in the eye!

"Well, what can I do for you?"

Li Yun bravely asked. He didn't have to look at Xiaoxue's face now. He knew that the wind and rain were coming and the mountain was full of terrible momentum!

"It's such an uncle. Miss wants to invite you, as well as --" the driver bowed slightly to Fang Xue and Li Feng, and said respectfully, "the two ladies will go back to the residence for business."

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