Godly Choice System - Chapter 2000

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:22:41 AM

Chapter 2000

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"Here we are, uncle, two ladies."

The driver drove his car into the Old French rent circle, drove to the No. 3 residence, parked the car in front of the gate, respectfully said.

Fang Xue took a deep breath, pushed open the door and went out.

At first sight, I saw two classical beauties standing in front of the gate in full dress.

One of them is a big sister like Li Feng. She is gentle and virtuous. She always has a soft smile on her beautiful face. She is a little older than she and Li Feng, about 23-4?

Another one, Fang Xue only looked at her and knew that she must be gong Qingyu!

The young lady of the palace family is wearing a white Ru skirt, holding a delicate folding fan in her hand, and a long green silk hanging behind her head. She has combed her hair into an ancient bun and wore a beautiful and shining headdress.

What's more wonderful is that this damned lady of the palace family ordered three bright red flower ornaments in the middle of her eyebrows, which made her outstanding classical beauty image more noble and valuable.


Fang Xue was obviously stunned. She had always imagined what it would be like to see Gong Qingyu. But she did not expect that just after meeting, she had a vague illusion that she was compared and completely lost.

For ordinary people, the ancient Ru skirt looks bloated and complicated for ordinary people, but it is just right to wear it on Gong Qingyu. It has the beauty of quiet, elegant, classical and quiet lady.

Fang Xue looked at her clothes. She was wearing short sleeves and trousers and a very old-fashioned sunshade hat. She hardly had any make-up on her body, nor did she have such a splendid dress as Gong Qingyu.

In front of her, Fangda school flower actually has a kind of oneself is the servant girl, the other side is the big miss hateful feeling!

"Hello, Miss Fang."

Gong Qingyu's face shows a standard smile of the eldest lady. She moves forward with her hands folded on her waist and worships Fang Xue Ying Ying Ying. She is a lady of a great family. She is at a loss.

"Hee hee hee hee ~!"

Gong Qingyu was so happy in her heart that at the next moment, a finger poked into her forehead.


With a cry of alarm, Gong Qingyu was ordered to step back, and the gesture of the lady just now was broken. The three petals of plum blossom flower in the center of her eyebrows were pressed by that finger, and the shape was destroyed, which made her funny and funny.

"Li, Yun!" Gong Qingyu's beautiful Phoenix eyes glared at him, "you villain, do you know how long I used makeup? Damn it


Fang Xue's face turned into a strong sense of amazement. She first saw Gong Qingyu and thought she was a beautiful lady with a dignified and virtuous character. She usually spoke in a soft voice and acted like a weak Liu Fufeng. She did not smile or show her teeth. She did not put on her skirt, just like little princess Yongning raised by Li Yun at home.

I didn't expect that Gong Qingyu would become Such a character?

"Why are the dead housewives so hypocritical?" Li Yun sneered.

Gongqing jade willow eyebrow a pick, will come to catch him, scratch him.

Unfortunately, behind her stood a real elegant lady, who stopped her immediately when she saw that she wanted to do something rude.

"OK, Qingyu."

Gong Lian, with her gentle temperament, gently held her little hand. Xue and Li Feng nodded with a smile and whispered, "welcome to Gongjia. Qingyu has no other meaning. You should treat yourself as your home in Zhonghai City, after all..."

She pauses for a while, the cheek is slightly red, "because of someone's relationship, we are also sisters, make a scene OK, but don't let others see jokes."

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