Godly Choice System - Chapter 2152

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:19:14 AM

Chapter 2152

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Two people's intimacy also do not know how long, the first time to taste such a soft taste of gold glass, and finally shy away, with small hands to cover their own small mouth.

"No, No

Jin Liuli shook his head in a hurry and sobbed: "forgive you, dashilang. If I go down again, I will be unable to speak..."

The big sex wolf is the big sex wolf, the kiss is endless, but She does not hate this kind of intimacy, sweet heart, the previous grievances and depression disappeared, looking forward to the next 10 days of tourism again.

Shyness, uneasiness, and expectation full of girlish feelings.

How can she not know that, being coaxed by Li Yun now means that she will agree to the next trip and spend more than ten days with Fei Yao and sister pepper.

Li Yun smiles, "I'm sorry what you just wanted to say..."

"Wugu ~"

jinliuli looked at him full of resentment. Wei Qu Baba's pitiful little eyes were enough to make Baigang turn into soft fingers. No matter men or women could resist such pitiful expressions of asking for mercy.

"Say it Li Yun cruel heart, pinched her small round face, forced the girl to say.

Jin Liuli lingered for a long time, then with soft and cute eyes, he whispered in a pitiful voice: "I'm sorry, brother Li ~, it's willful of others, so I'll forgive them this time, OK?"

Li Yun blurted out: "good!"

He was adored by jinliuli.

The so-called arrogance and coquetry refers to a tough attitude to cover up one's shyness.

If you are proud, you have to be charming.

Just now, jinliuli is proud, but now she is undoubtedly Jiao.

Soft, soft, voice, tender.

It's no surprise that Li Yun fell into the enemy's hands when he could see the golden glaze which was quite different from his usual proud attitude.

"Hee hee hee ~ ~"

Jin Liuli held his little mouth and laughed. He held out his finger and scraped Li Yun's cheek. In a delicate voice, he said, "big lecheron, people can't wait to forgive you once. You think that You're a bad guy anyway

Li Yun said with a smile, "good, little glass, call brother Li again, no, call a husband directly! Just like Yao Yao, come ~ "

" no, I'll call you big butterfly But, um ~ "

in the end, Jin Liuli still failed. He buried himself beside Li yun'er and called out softly:" husband, husband ~ "

Li Yun was so excited," lady! Wife, come on, let your husband kiss you again. "

Jin Liuli resisted, but was forced to agree.

Until six o'clock in the afternoon, Li Yuncai gently said to her, "little glass, do you know why I let your sister Muxin book two rooms?"

"I don't know!"

Mention this, the pride of the golden glass came back again, biting his lips and twisting his head.

She cried so long just now, this big villain!

"I think you can guess."

Li Yun chuckled: "to be honest, Yaoyao and Muxin went out for a honeymoon, but Do you remember the last time you and I parted, you secretly gave me a kiss

Gold GLAZE's face was red again.

Fortunately, she had been intimate with Li Yun for more than an hour, so she didn't care about the last time.

"I was wondering if it would be better to invite you along."

"So I went to the Golden Pavilion."

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