Godly Choice System - Chapter 2225

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:17:29 AM

Chapter 2225

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"Ha ha, now the cheater is really stupid enough, don't know my working hours before calling!"

The first mate Finn sneered at the corner of his mouth and clenched his fist tightly, waiting for the next time to find the liar and give him a hard blow!

But before finding the liar, Finn resisted and continued to ask, "Captain, is your mobile phone broken?"


Finn sneered again. The liar couldn't even find an excuse. What a fool!

"I'm captain Davis. My cell phone and my head are in water. This is my new cell phone."

“…… What? "

Fein Leng for a moment, mobile phone and head are all water? How do you feel like scolding the captain

The liar solemnly continued: "you will use this phone when you contact me later. By the way, I suddenly think of something that I want to ask you."

"Go ahead, captain."

Finn lowered his doubts, looked at the real captain, and said respectfully to the microphone.

"Today, the cruise ship docked in Laos and delivered some goods from the port. Do you know which warehouse it is stored in?"

In a flash, Finn's pupils were wide open and he said, "what do you want?"

In the cruise ship's cab, everyone was startled by his voice, and even the engineer who was operating the steering wheel looked over.

"How dare you talk to me like that?! I am the captain whose head is in the water The liar's voice was majestic, and he said, "although my head is in the water, I am still the captain!"

“…… You

Finn pressed down his thumping heart, turned his head and gave a quick look at the captain and whispered, "where are you now? What do you want to do? "

"I'm in front of the warehouse." The voice of the swindler turned to bland, "you come here now, take me to find where the warehouse is, and speed up."

"Well, I'll be right there." Don't worry, I'll bring people here!

A trace of cruelty flashed through Finn's blue eyes. No matter what the other party's purpose is, the cheater can't live tomorrow!

"Finn, what about the liar?" Captain Davis asked in a deep voice.

"Captain, the swindler hung up. He wanted to know what was stored in our warehouse. He was probably trying to steal some valuables."

Finn volunteered: "Captain, I'll take the captain's security guard to take him down. You can wait here!"

Davis frowned and nodded slowly after a while. "Go ahead and bring the liar to me. Besides, be careful not to make too much noise. There are many distinguished guests on board."


Finn strode out of the cab, took out his walkie talkie, called on the two security teams on board, and went straight to the bottom of the cabin.

Captain Davis continued to check the diary of today's voyage. Although he was puzzled why he wanted to steal ordinary articles in the warehouse, he was still more relieved that Finn would go to solve the problem.

Unexpectedly, three minutes after Finn left, a beautiful woman arrived in the cab.

"Chief officer, let's go to the warehouse to catch the thief?" The captain of the ship's security team was baffled by the order from Finn.

How did the thief run to the warehouse?

Generally speaking, what is stored in the warehouse is very common, even if there are some more valuable items, it is also very heavy, a few people can not move it!

"Don't talk nonsense, just follow me!"

Finn, with a gloomy face, quickened his pace and ran to the bottom of the cabin. He said viciously, "the thief is bold enough to pretend to be the captain. I have obtained the permission of the captain. You can shoot him directly!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!