Godly Choice System - Chapter 2285

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:16:06 AM

Chapter 2285

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Li Yun quickly walked out of the elevator, "today our pearl lady made money, and tonight even brought coffee at night, it's all her treat!"

"I'll make you tens of billions, don't you think about me?"

"Hey, hey, I remember someone said that he was Bai Fumei. How much money do you care?"

"I also remember that someone has $500 billion, not enough chips!"

"I'll invite you!"

Jin Liuli said in a loud voice, and directly touched out the gold chips in her pocket. There are tens of thousands of them. Can you always treat me?

"No more for commemoration?"

"I have a few more, but I'll invite them tonight anyway."

Jin Liuli's awkward strength comes up again, which makes Xiao Mingzhu feel funny. This girl is so cute. I don't know where Li Yun came from.

Jin Liuli was blushed by her, and finally restrained some jealousy.

Four people into the open-air coffee shop, it is now more than nine o'clock in the evening, the night is just right, the moonlight is just right, hazy sprinkle on the sea, the cruise ship seems to be still on the sea, the sea is very calm, covered with a layer of moonlight, the boundless scenery of heaven and earth, everything looks so beautiful.

There is a bumper car rental shop on the deck next to it. Several children of seven or eight years old have a good time. When Jin Liuli sees it, he can't help but pull up Xia Feiyao to rent two cars. He drives the bumper car happily. It seems that he is going to drive around the cruise ship.

Xiao Mingzhu has been looking at them. After jinliuli finally got on the small bumper car happily, she couldn't help but smile and said, "xiaoliuli's figure is very suitable for riding a bumper car, but Feiyao is not good. She's very well developed!"

With that, she looked at Li Yun with teasing eyes and said a word that shocked Li Yun: "have you enjoyed your happiness?"


Li Yun was so surprised that his coffee cup almost fell off.

Is 98:00 so exaggerated? Even Xiao Mingzhu dares to say it!

"Well, you're still playing silly!"

Xiao Mingzhu's expression is complicated. She is jealous and resentful. There is also a trace of girl's emotion mixed in it, which makes Li Yun feel guilty.

"What are you pretending to be?" Ming Ming, he and Xiao Mingzhu have nothing to do, but Li Yun actually has a kind of guilt of stealing food, as if she is the main palace, but Xia Feiyao's three girls are small.

It has to be said that Xiao Mingzhu's aura is too strong. If she and WAN Qingfei are both immortal, she will definitely become two opposite extremes with the saint.

A beautiful and generous, a cold and holy, are the same beauty.

Xiao Mingzhu gave him a white eye, the spoon in his hand slowly stirred the coffee in the cup and said, "don't you admit it? What have you been playing for over six days, when I can't guess? "

Now this atmosphere has a very delicate feeling.

It is clear that there is no definite relationship between her and Li Yun, but because of the illusion that she is close to having a good heart, she has the initiative to say these things openly and honestly.

Li Yun can only look embarrassed.

He knew that Xiao Mingzhu had fallen in love with him. Similarly, Xiao Mingzhu also knew that Li Yun liked himself.

After all, she's so beautiful, isn't she?

"Hee hee."

Xiao Mingzhu chuckled, pasted the coffee cup with her red and full lips, sipped a little, but a simple action was very elegant, which was pleasing to the eyes.

Xiao Mingzhu let him look at it and didn't ask him about it for six days. She just blushed and said, "sometimes I think I'm quite contradictory."

"Oh? Why the contradiction? "

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