Godly Choice System - Chapter 2289

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:15:57 AM

Chapter 2289

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"Sorry." Xiao Mingzhu lowered her eyes and took a sip of coffee. Her delicate face was expressionless.

She felt defeated for what she had just done.

It turns out that she is not perfect at all, trying to master love, but not at all rational, inexplicably angry, into a state of worrying about gain and loss.

Such Xiao Mingzhu It's a failure!

"There's no need to apologize between couples."

Li Yun holds her hand again and melts the ice wall that Xiao Mingzhu built to cover up her heart. She looks like she wants to cry on her beautiful face. Her white teeth are biting her lips and tears are brewing in her eyes.

"Rather, I'm happy!" Li Yun said with a smile: "you are angry for me and ask me if I love you, which proves that you like me and I like it very much. I am too happy to be angry."

"Don't be sentimental."

Xiao Mingzhu broke her tears and wiped her tears with the back of her white hand. She felt embarrassed. Finally, she gambled: "anyway, I've made a fool of myself tonight. If you want to laugh, you can laugh."

"Ha ha ha."

"Are you really laughing?"

"I'll cooperate with you."

"Die!" Then he added a coquettish remark: "you playboy!"

She finally said what she wanted to say in her heart!!!

Li Yun made an innocent expression, "I have known you for so long and touched your little hand. How can you be a playboy? When it comes to Playboy, it should be like this - "

Li Yun reaches out and wipes away the tear marks on her beautiful cheek, and feels Xiao Mingzhu's smooth and delicate skin, which is as tender as a freshly peeled cooked egg. It feels really good.

Xiao Mingzhu blushed, did not know what to do, did not know how to react, and did not want to refuse, so she could only turn her head.

"Ding, the host makes a choice, refuses to say the word of love, rewards Xiao Mingzhu's good feeling + 1, exclusive pill Gift Bag * 1."

Although the popularity did not reach 100 points, Li Yun chose this option with no regrets. This is the choice from his heart, not just to get Xiao Mingzhu, he directly lied to her that he loved her.

Like, not love.

He and Xiao Mingzhu still need a little time to get to know each other, especially for a girl with high EQ like Xiao Mingzhu.

However, the reward system gives Xiao Mingzhu a lot of rewards. Before she has a good feeling, she has a special gift bag for pills.

Li Yun chose to open it directly to see what was inside.

"Ding, the host opens the exclusive pill package, and gets four intermediate pills * 2, skin care and beauty pills * 1, and top-grade Xianyao pills * 1."

Li Yun spirit of a vibration, unexpectedly awarded a top-grade fairy demon Dan!

In his hand, he also had a few immortals and Demons pills without writing quality, which could let ordinary people directly break through to the postnatal environment, and also obtained a perfect quality fairy and demon pill, so that Li Feng could directly break through to the congenital environment.

Shangpin Xianyao pill, it is estimated that the maximum probability can break through the congenital situation, and for people who are themselves in the congenital environment, the high probability can improve a small state after taking it!

"Why don't you talk again?" Seeing Li Yunleng in place, Xiao Mingzhu thought that the Playboy touched her face and was attracted by her beauty.

Instead of being angry, she was quite happy.

"I was thinking

"Thinking I'm beautiful?"

Xiao Mingzhu's "shameless" smile.

"No, how to make you more beautiful!"

"Impossible, I am the most beautiful existence in the world, hum."

"Don't you believe it? Look, what's this? "

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