Godly Choice System - Chapter 2295

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:15:46 AM

Chapter 2295

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"Li Yun..."

Xiao Mingzhu is in a complex mood. She takes out the magic weapon from the ring, which is said to be the envy of even practitioners: ice sword.

With a clang sound, the sword came out of the scabbard, and the cold air on the sword didn't come out. Xiao Mingzhu had learned how to control this mysterious cold force. She learned it the moment she held the magic weapon.

"Magic is really magic!"

Xiao Mingzhu still thinks it is incredible that people can learn so many things at once. If it is used in education, it is estimated that human science and technology will advance by leaps and bounds.

Because it saves twenty years of school time!

Unfortunately, she probably knows that there are hidden dangers in this way of acquiring knowledge.

"Peony sword!"

As soon as her wrist shakes, Xiao Mingzhu uses the "thousand flowers sword technique" of Qianhua Bailemen. A beautiful sword flower is pierced out. At the moment, Xiao Mingzhu is valiant and valiant, and stabs her sword against the balustrade on the balcony.

In a flash, the cold air gushed out, and the metal railings were immediately covered with ice dregs. The cold air even diffused to the next room. Xiao Mingzhu quickly scraped off all the ice dregs with pure sword spirit.

"I shouldn't have put on this one!"

Tired for a long time, looking at the still cold balcony railing, Xiao Mingzhu dumbfounded, smile has a kind of inexplicable sense of detachment.

From the moment Li Yun gave her the ring of space, she knew that she would gradually break away from the category of normal people and become more and more "immortal".

In the future, she may also be able to become a fairy who is as extraordinary and refined as Vatican.

As long as she has always liked Li Yun, she has always been by his side

"Ah, ah, so I don't owe him more and more?"

Xiao Mingzhu is going crazy. For her independent woman, relying on men to become stronger is a disaster!

However, she could not give up Li Yun and these magical things.

“…… Forget it, just as you owe me in your last life

To find an excuse for herself, Xiao Mingzhu put on a beautiful Knee Skirt, put on cool high-heeled shoes, dressed up, looked at herself in the mirror, suddenly felt that she was a little imperfect.

She used to go out in such a cool way, but today Xiao Mingzhu looks at the gorgeous girl in the mirror and suddenly feels that she is missing something in the mirror, especially something missing between her lips:


Lipstick is a good thing to give women's lips a stronger tone, emphasize the contour and full shape of lips, appear more lively and energetic.

More simply, it can attract men's attention!


Xiao Mingzhu seriously looked for it, only to find that she did not bring lipstick at all - had not used it before, how could it be now.

"Come on, why should I dress up for that guy? A girl is a pleasure to her, and that guy is not my boyfriend either

Xiao gave up, but took a look at the ring she was wearing on her middle finger. After that, she had this treasure which can store 10 cubic meters. She can carry a lot of things on her body, and lipstick can also be carried.

And you can take one set at a time, with all kinds of colors!

"What am I thinking in a mess?"

After taking a deep breath, Xiao Mingzhu turned and left the room with her head held high.

Out of the door, she is also a beautiful pearl of the China Sea. Her delicate face is filled with a bright and beautiful smile. She does not have the expression of worrying about gains and losses as she did last night.

It's just After seeing Li Yun, can she still keep such calm?

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