Godly Choice System - Chapter 2395

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:12:39 AM

Chapter 2395

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"Ah..." Liu Xianxian breathed hard to get rid of Li Yun's kiss. His eyes were full of soft and soft feelings. He looked at his eyes and continued to sing with his ruddy mouth: "but what the wild goose doesn't know is that another sharp arrow is already aiming at him."

A pistol. Hold it up.

The young man, who was all dead, looked at all this with trembling, jealousy, resentment and fury, which devoured his reason: "you must die, husband and wife! Death

"Be careful!"

The onlookers and Liu Xianxian sang at the same time.

"The White Swan reminds the goose, but her lover is still pierced by a sharp arrow." Liu Xianxian was more and more sad. He put his hands around Li Yun's neck and shed tears in pain: "two people and two people finally died together. The White Swan died in the arms of his lover, and the wild goose also died with his lover, buried in this beautiful but sad garden."

"I'll let you die together!" The young man screamed wildly. The gunshot rang again. The bullet flew out and was blocked by a finger.


The flattened bullet flew back and penetrated his throat.

Li Yun took back his fingers, touched the pure and beautiful cheek of the white swan in his arms, and gently kissed her. The white swan was crying and was greedy and infatuated in responding to the wild goose's kiss.

Warm, meaningful and maddening love.

Until the White Swan almost can not breathe, two people reluctantly separated.

"But a miracle was born. The gods came down to the earth and saved the White Swan and the wild goose. They lived a happy life from then on." Li Yun said with a smile, reached out and scraped the fairy's small and lovely nose and adapted the story.


Liu Xianxian showed a happy smile, his face was red, and his lips were also red. He said: "a beautiful love story that I finally brewed out is so moved that I am proud of my beautiful literary talent and wonderful singing voice, but you bad goose doesn't cooperate with the atmosphere at all!"

Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry, "beautiful literary talent? Why do I feel puzzled, why suddenly there are sharp arrows? "

"Fool!" Liu Xianxian pointed back Li Yun's nose and said angrily, "of course, the swans in the garden are reared. If they want to fly away, the master will not like it."


Li Yun has nothing to say. What is the brain circuit of a girl?

"But the real white swan is not raised." Li Yun asked again.

"Raised by you." Liu Xianxian answered without thinking.

"Then I have two jobs? Geese and masters Well, cough, cough. "

Li Yun thought of some evil things. Fortunately, Liu Xianxian didn't know the meaning of it. He said with a simple face: "this is just literature. I just want to be moved in the tragedy. After all, there is a contrast to have happiness. People's geese are so good and so powerful, they are not that kind of people, right?"

"What kind of person?"

"Well, you know that!"

Well, the white swan is jealous.

Li Yun smiles. Liu Xianxian knows that he and the three girls of Feiyao have been playing on the upstream of the Ocean Princess for a few days. He has been full of jealousy.

However, after kissing and kissing with her just now, Xianxian was also satisfied. His jealousy soon dissipated, and his happy smile was restored on his pure face and held his arm.


Li Yun turned his eyes, the hotel managers and others: "everyone is safe, you can rest assured to stand up!"

A group of people still squat on the ground in a daze, shocked by Li Yungang's means and Liu Xianxian's song sung at the muzzle of the gun.

The picture just now is really like the love of the hero and heroine in the movie!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!