Godly Choice System - Chapter 2432

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:11:48 AM

Chapter 2432

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Zhao Qianhua a Leng, now go out to kill? Isn't there no time to practice!

"Why don't you accept it?" Lu Gao's face grew colder.

"Yes, yes!"

Zhao Qianhua can only give in to the anger of those who want to return to the virtual state, and thank Lu Zun for not severely punishing him.

Zhao Minghua's figure, which is in his stomach, is not a punishment for his anger.

"Keep vigilance."

After dropping a word, Lu Gao enters the inner room. Li yunyinyue feels that there is a passageway to the underground behind the small building. When he raises his feet, the system selection prompt rings.

"Ding, trigger option event, please host to choose:

option 1: Chase Zhao Qianhua, kill him before he starts to kill, reward justice value + 100000, experience value + 1 million, total attribute + 1000, golden gift bag * 1, and obtain a random magic skill.

Option 2: keep up with LV Gao, find the tunnel, reward experience value + 10 million, full attribute + 500, purple Gift Bag * 2.

Option 3: show up and kill all the people present, reward justice value + 1000, experience value + 50 million, total attribute + 10000, colorful gift bag * 1, causing unknown consequences. "

Li yundun stopped to quickly browse the contents of the three options.

There is no doubt that killing all the people is the most rewarding, but the value of justice is very small. According to the system, it should be the best choice to kill Zhao Qianhua first, and then follow Lu Gao, and then kill again.

"Let you live for a while, and I'll take care of you later!"

A cold light flashed through Li Yun's eyes, and his figure flew out of the room. His virtual body ran through quickly and quickly found Zhao Qianhua standing in front of a family.

"Hehe, there are people here. Is it useful to hide in the room?"

Zhao Qianhua sneered at the small two-story house, holding a piece of Rune paper in his hand. The dazzling fire came out to illuminate the fog around him, which was also seen by people hiding in the room on the second floor. He leaned out his head and looked down from the window.


The owner screamed and left the second floor room in a hurry.

"Want to escape? What a stupid mortal Zhao Qianhua sneered, "in front of my magic, where can you escape? The whole building will be reduced to ashes in front of my magic. Do you want to escape? "

After that, he threw the flaming Rune paper toward the small house, and then walked to the next family without looking back.




Then, there will be a bang, the whole small house will be reduced to ashes.

Real practitioners never look back at explosions.

"Ha ha ha."

Zhao Qianhua's face showed the pleasure of enjoying. Although he was annoyed by the interruption of his practice, one of the pleasant feelings brought about by cultivating immortals was to show his magic skills in front of these weak mortals, watch them show astonished and inexplicable expressions, kill them in their fear of asking for mercy, draw out their spirits, and make powerful magic weapons.

Just this time


After six or seven seconds, the expected explosion did not come. Zhao qianwharton stopped and looked back. His face changed greatly on the spot!

A man standing in the middle of the air caught the bright fire mantra he threw out, looked at him with a smile on his face, and threw the mantra back.

"You are...!"

Zhao Qianhua was startled. The bright fire mantra reflected back was stronger and faster. He played several magic arts one after another and rolled in place to avoid the attack range of the bright fire mantra.

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