Godly Choice System - Chapter 251

Published at 19th of February 2022 07:04:12 AM

Chapter 251

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"You want to buy 200000? Do you look down on Master Li Yun too much? "

A thin man in his fifties also stood up and complimented Li Yun, "Mr. Li has superb painting skills, and you have the strength to be close to the master at this age. It is no problem to become a famous painter in the world in the future."

People are stunned. Does he want to?

"I give a million!" The skinny man said with a smile: "a million yuan to buy your paintings to collect, waiting for Mr. Li you become a master of the day, how about?"

To put it simply, bet Li Yun to be a celebrity in the future with one million yuan.

Famous people's paintings are valuable. You can't see the chairman of baowutong. Zhou Fuma drew a messy painting, but it sold for three million yuan.

If you're not a celebrity, I'm sorry. Even if you paint well, it's only 30 or 50 yuan.

But it's exaggeration to gamble with a million dollars!

"A million? Hehe, I'll give you two million! " Another man came forward and offered a completely silly price.

Two million, two million in five minutes. Is that true? Are you sure you didn't hire Todd?

"Mr. Li Yun is now famous all over the world. Your paintings are worth two million!" The man said respectfully, and explained that he had just seen Li Yun's news on his mobile phone against 11 top hackers with one person's strength.

People suddenly realize that Li Yun has become famous!

"Sorry, not for sale."

Li Yun smiles, and then refuses these people's purchase request.

Although two million yuan is almost equal to the money that Li Yun has now, he believes that Baiyun technology will bring him rich returns. Li Yun really doesn't like the two million yuan. He would rather give it to Su Muxin or Gong Qingyu, or even to his real girlfriend, rather than sell paintings for two million yuan.

People expressed regret that many of them actually have the intention to purchase, but the price can't be so high.

"Li Yun!"

Fan Yongsheng sincerely and enthusiastically sent out the invitation again: "as long as you go to Zhonghai Academy of fine arts, I can recommend you to a doctoral student. The future development will never be bad! What do you think? "

In addition to envy, the crowd can not even produce jealousy psychology, after all, Li Yun's strength is there, jealousy can not come.

But of course, Li Yun once again refused him: "master fan, I will go to Zhonghai university to study, but for painting, I can only say sorry."

"Well, I think the little girl's paintings are also very good." Fan Yongsheng looked at Gong Qingyu and said with a smile, "then I'll take her as my apprentice. Then you can come to the Art Institute to learn painting from me. Maybe a second degree!"

In addition to the second degree, you can choose the third major.

"Ding, trigger option event, please host to select:

option 1: agree to fan Yongsheng's second degree request, reward experience value + 100000, full attribute + 500, purple Gift Bag * 2, Gong Qingyu's favor + 1. If you select this option, the system will publish more selection events related to painting and art.

Option two: refuse, no reward. "

Li Yun pondered, is it about life multiple choice question again?

In fact, there is nothing to choose. The second degree doesn't take much time. Besides, Gong Qingyu seems to want to learn from fan Yongsheng, so let's agree.

"OK, then Qingyu and I will learn to draw with you!" Li Yun agreed to come down.

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