Godly Choice System - Chapter 2610

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:07:13 AM

Chapter 2610

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The five also seem to have noticed the three of Li Yun. One of them, a middle-aged man, kept looking at Tang Anxi with a glance, and showed a faint look.

After they entered the roadside stalls, Li Yun followed them.


The middle-aged man seemed to be unable to help himself and called to Tang Anxi: "just now I saw you looking at my brothers all the time. Why? Do you like me

Tang an's face sank in the evening and was about to get angry, but he remembered what Li Yun said. He tried to do things according to his usual habits, so as to find the unusual places in the dreamland.

"Boss." Ignoring the middle-aged man, Li yunchong called out to the stall owner, "give me a few bottles of wine."

The boss did not answer, staring at him for a long time, then said suspiciously: "do I know you?"

Before Li Yun answered, the guests at the other table called out: "boss, are you amnesia? Didn't this teenager have dinner here three days ago? By the way, this beautiful woman has also been to Penglai Island and gained powers. She also robbed three spiritual fruits on Penglai Island and sold 30 million US dollars. Gold, which is 200 million yuan

Tang Anxi was surprised. When did she tell these people about it?

No way!

With her character, it's impossible to show off and win the spiritual fruit and sell 30 million U.S. gold!

She came to this stall three days ago. What happened then?!

He Shao suddenly realized that she had so much money in her hand Wait a minute. She's a very popular power on the Internet?!

In an instant, he Shao's eyes were wide.

"30 million Or Kim The middle-aged man dropped his glass on the ground and looked at Tang Anxi in disbelief.

He almost wanted to pull out his gun, grab it directly and run away, so that the rest of his life will have a landing, where to steal the tomb again?

"Don't make a fuss, eat!"

The old man of the five yelled and suppressed several people who were ready to move.

Li Yun smiles and holds Tang Anxi's small hand to calm her down.

The guests on the table nearby are very strange. What are these people doing? Even the boss is weird.

In this strange atmosphere, Li Yun did not pay much attention to the five people after dinner. After he Shao went back, he took Tang Anxi back to the hotel to sleep.

There was no word all night.

They did nothing, but they did a lot.

"Anxi, do you remember last night?"

After waking up in the couple's room, Li Yun directly asked Tang Anxi, who was sleepy.

"Last night?"

Tang Anxi's face turned red. She couldn't help it several times last night, but Li Yun still didn't take the last step and said that she would do something serious the next day. Once she took the last step, she would certainly not be able to get up in the morning.

As it turns out, it is.

She felt very tired without the last step. If she took the last step, she would sleep until noon.

"It wasn't after we went back to our room, it was yesterday that we were in Shengpu town!" Li Yun laughingly knocked her on the head.

"Oh ~ ~ ~ I remember my date with my husband yesterday! We played in the billiard room for four hours ~ ~ "

Tang Anxi recounted yesterday's events, focusing on the four hours in the billiards room, the voice was more and more charming, the eyes at Li Yun were tender, and the eyebrows were full of charm.

It seems that there are more than ten minutes to go before seven in the morning.

"Anxi, you fox spirit!"

Li Yun took a deep breath and closed his eyes to suppress the morning fire, but a small hand had already touched him.

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