Godly Choice System - Chapter 2698

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:05:05 AM

Chapter 2698

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There was no rear seat for people in the shared electric vehicle, but according to Su Muxin, there are many couples or two girls in the same car on campus. Li Yun tried it and found that this kind of small electric car can also carry two people. So he took Su Muxin and let her sit in his arms. They rode in Zhonghai University, which attracted many people's attention.

Su Muxin, large and small, is also a celebrity. Although she has not been appraised, she is definitely a strong candidate for the school flower of the 2019 session.

"Well, you go upstairs. It's going to be late."

"Mm-hmm, goodbye dad ~"


Watching her hum away, Li Yun took a deep breath. Every time Su Muxin called his father, Li Yun would go to hell and burn for a while. This little pepper is just like its nickname. If you touch it, it will be hot all over.


Riding an electric car to a teaching building again, Li Yun put the car well and went upstairs with many students.

Li Yun successfully found the classroom that opened late tonight. After Li Yun went in, he found that there were already many students waiting in it. After seeing him, many girls who came to report today and had been helped by him said hello to him.

"Brother Li, this way!"

Wang Hao and his roommates are actually the first group of people to know each other in the University. Two days before the beginning of the school, they all worked together with their roommates. After military training and knowing more people, they would choose to integrate into their own circle.

"Here it is."

Li Yun glanced at Xiao Mingzhu, who was sitting in the first row, nodded and laughed at her. Then he went to the back and sat with Wang Hao.

"Well, I'm wrong, brother Li." Wang Hao said with chagrin: "I should not have called you, let brother Li sit with Xiao Mingzhu to deepen our feelings, so as to avoid the class flower of our class being abducted."

Li Yun shrugged his shoulders. "Girls won't be moved by you sitting beside her, especially in class meetings, which are serious occasions. On the contrary, they will attract boredom."

"Hey, brother Li is right Eh? That Huang Guanying

While talking, Wang Hao saw that he had met a guy who was said to be a power man in the hotel before. He had no attendants around him. He walked into the classroom alone, looked at it casually, and then sat down in a row behind Xiao Mingzhu.

It seems that she wants to chat with Xiao Mingzhu again.

However, Li Yun saw that he wanted to talk to each other several times. Xiao Mingzhu and her roommates were indifferent to others. All the students around him looked at him strangely. I don't know what happened between the most beautiful girl in the class and the male student.

But from the performance point of view, Jike class students can probably guess: This is another licking dog!

Li Yun had to admire Huang Guanying for his thick skin. He had already been in a bad mood in the hotel before. In the end, he forgot and became Bai Fumei's licking dog again.

For the sake of the same 2020 jikeban, Li Yun did not intend to teach him a lesson directly, as long as he did not do anything out of the ordinary.

As time went by, the students in the classroom chatted and waited for the arrival of counselors. The various voices made the students feel in high school after a summer vacation.

This wait is half an hour.

At nearly 9:30, counselor Li Xiaolan walked onto the platform with a tired face. She held a meeting for nearly three hours!

What's more, the content of the meeting is quite explosive. Once it is said, it will definitely cause a sensation!

"Fellow students, you..."

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