Godly Choice System - Chapter 2752

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:03:47 AM

Chapter 2752

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In fact, it's the same at night with the longitude. It's just that when you're in a big city, you're surrounded by dazzling lights, and you won't feel too dark at 12:00 p.m., but in the mountain village, in addition to the weak light of each household at night, there is only one moon shining between heaven and earth.

"Let's take a walk in Sanmu village."

Li Yun suggested: "find another place suitable for camping. I don't think you want to live in Lin Youcai's house, do you?"

"With the body? No Anna Wang refused decisively. Before they came, they had put the tent in the monitor's space ability. They could camp easily, and there were small gas stove, washed vegetables and meat, and so on. With a few bags of instant noodles, they could make it through the night!

To be honest, if there is no hanging, Anna Wang is still looking forward to the camping tonight, which is a rare experience for students.

"Let's go. Let's find other students and get familiar with the roads of Sanmu village."

Li Yun leads the way in front of him, but actually he covers the surrounding area with divinity and inspects Sanmu village inside and outside.

The result is very disappointed, did not find any residual evil Qi Yin Qi and so on.

"What did you find?" Xiao Mingzhu asked him.

Li Yun shook his head. "The weaker the monster is, the more hidden it is. My mind has evolved into spiritual consciousness. As long as there are living creatures in my spiritual consciousness, they can be easily found!"

Xiao Mingzhu drummed, "you have cultivated your mind to be so powerful, but I haven't got it. It's really annoying."

"Ha ha." Li Yun pinched Xiao Mingzhu's mouth and said with a smile, "I said everything will be there. Don't worry."

"Hate, don't move your hands!"

Wang Hao and Wang Anna looked at each other, saying they couldn't understand what the monitor and the Deputy monitor were saying.

After a tour of Sanmu village, Li Yun and his four people followed Qiao Feilu's shouts to find them. After meeting successfully, they exchanged information with each other, and everything was as usual.

"Li Yun, do you really want to set up tents outside at night?" Qiao Feilu said: "I have already told the villagers that if you divide 10 people into one point, it's still easy to live in the villagers' houses. You don't have to live outside. There's dew in the mountains, not to mention the danger."

"No, No Wang Hao said: "we have brought tents and other things, and found a camping place, right there It's very convenient to move from a commanding position! "

He felt relieved with his finger.

Qiao Feilu saw that all the college students didn't want to live in the villagers' house, and they didn't insist any more. He just gave Xiao Mingzhu an envious look: "this kind of power is really If everyone has it, the transportation cost from the mountain to the county will be greatly reduced, and it is no longer a dream for the villagers to live a good life. "

People are stunned, did not expect to be a town. Long Qiao Fei Lu unexpectedly also considered this.

"Well, be careful at night." Qiao Feilu looked at Li Yun and said with a smile, "Li Yun, you and Xiao Mingzhu are sitting in the town. I'm still more at ease. We'll leave a phone call for each other. What's the matter with telephone communication?"

"Isn't the signal poor in the village?" A female classmate took out her mobile phone, looked at it and nodded: "it's really bad. There are only two frames of signal."


Qiao Feilu helplessly said: "then roar a voice, this village is not big, can hear at night, I sleep not to take off clothes, can get up at any time."

This is also a suggestion to this group of college students, don't take off one by one only with a pair of underpants and underwear to sleep.

"Yes, mayor. We know that. Don't worry about it."

"Let's go. Let's go, monitor. Let's set up a tent, hee hee!"

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