Godly Choice System - Chapter 2755

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:03:43 AM

Chapter 2755

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Lin Tiankang has emphasized several times that Dasu's death has nothing to do with him. Rather, it means that there is no silver 300 Liang here. It's easy to guess that Lin Tiankang met Dasha's sister-in-law when she died.

Combined with the words ah Hua didn't finish before, Lin Tiankang may also have something to do with big silly sister-in-law Involvement.

The two sides had a dispute over something, and as a result

"It doesn't matter? It doesn't matter. You've been saying that? " Wang Hao squints at him.

"Yes, don't you do it yourself?" Another male classmate also followed with a strange voice, "I see, tomorrow will report this matter to Zhen. Chang, let him catch you, take to the interrogation room to have a good question!"

"What the hell are you...!"

Lin Tiankang's facial muscles were twisted for a while. He wanted to get angry and could not get up. He wanted to hit people. He was worried about Li Yun's power. He turned to ah Hua and said, "get the hell out of here. I'll let me see you with these outsiders again. I want you to look good!"

After that, Lin Tiankang turned away in anger. People saw him with a flashlight and a dagger in his hand and walked quickly into the dark.

Ah Hua was silent for a long time. Wang Hao comforted him by saying, "ah Hua, don't be afraid. This kind of person is fierce in color, weak in the inside and strong in the outside."

Ah Hua shook his head and said he didn't want to talk about this topic any more.

People can also understand him. Living in a small place is like this. A little thing may be remembered for a lifetime. On the surface, the cracks have been buried.

After a while, after eating the disposable bowl, ah Hua left. He also had a flashlight in his hand, but he didn't take any weapons to defend himself.

The rest of the students in Jike class did not want to barbecue. They put the ingredients into the pot and boiled them. After eating, the people on duty arranged for the night went to sleep in tents.

There was a problem with the distribution of tents.

There are five men and five women in total, and the tents are double tents, which leads to one man and one woman left.

"Tut, don't divide it."

Wang Hao looked at Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu with a smile: "monitor and vice president, you should live in the same tent. Anyway, you have a good feeling for each other Oh, no, you are all monitor. It's reasonable for the monitor to live together! "

"Yes, yes, two class leaders live together?"

"Remember not to be too loud!"

"What nonsense, the monitor is not that kind of person, should remember to do a good job in safety measures!"

Xiao Mingzhu was ridiculed so much that she was ready to fight. However, this group of people happily got into the tent, leaving only Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu outside.

"And the night watchman?" Li yunchong called out to the tent.

"You go out and I'll sleep."


There was no one outside the tent, only the clear moonlight and the two people standing in the moonlight.

"These guys are really..." Li Yun brazenly said to Xiao Mingzhu, "Pearl, shall we sleep?"


Inside the tent, the Pearl was more and more beautiful.

Li Yun quickly changed his words: "I mean, sleep together Oh no, I mean, we sleep in a tent

Xiao Mingzhu Feng Mou glared at him, "can't you not mention sleeping? What's wrong with sleeping in a tent? "

The more she emphasized just sleeping in a tent, people thought she was like Lin Tiankang just now: there is no silver 300 Liang here.

Li Yun looked at her and kept smiling. Xiao Mingzhu's face became more and more red. Finally, he snorted, bent down and entered the tent.

I dare not stay outside.

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