Godly Choice System - Chapter 2836

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:01:46 AM

Chapter 2836

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"Good one, no more concessions!"

Du Yuerong laughed heartily. The previous haze seemed to have disappeared. He said happily, "even if Du died in the street, how about it? It's enough that I, Hua Xiazi, can really stand up without being bullied by anyone! "

Several of his subordinates were deeply moved, and they vowed to follow the leader yunyun to death.

Li Yun looks at each other coldly. Du Yuerong is really cunning. He talks about people and ghosts.

From what he said just now, Du Yuerong knew that Li Yun didn't like foreigners and was eager to see Huang Xuan's people stand up. Therefore, he also showed an awe inspiring look.

But actually?

If he really has this consciousness, he can declare that he should drive out foreigners.

In addition, there were many kinds of money making businesses. Du Yuerong had to do opium business, colluding with foreign devils, and constantly transported opium into Zhonghai City, which harmed the health of Chinese people.

This kind of person, does not have a word of truth, only for his own interests, no wonder he will find a good place in the future, successfully escape to Xiangao, and still enjoy his old age.

“…… Ladies and gentlemen, and Mr. Smith. "

At the beginning of the ceremony, aunt Zhao, the owner of Xiangling's residence, stood in the middle of the first floor in a suit of Chinese and Western styles and spoke with a smile to all the guests.

"Thanks to all sectors of society for the love of Mr. Su Yi in our book, I can't thank you enough for being here."

A group of people stirred up and praised pan Suyi's beauty and intelligence.

Aunt Zhao was so satisfied that her eyebrows and corners were wrinkled. She said, "Su Yi is a poor child. She lost her parents when she was a child. She relies on books to contain a handful of excrement and urine. Now, thanks to everyone's love, I am here instead of plain clothes. Thank you for your support."

After Yingying saluted, aunt Zhao said: "to thank you, Su Yi specially prepared a program tonight. However, today's Day is more special, so she won't show her face. I hope you can forgive me."

Li Yun frowned when he heard this. It is estimated that only in the period of the Republic of China would there be such a way of speaking.

Many of them know that they can't kiss the beauty tonight, but it's good to listen to the piano and singing in plain clothes.

In the eyes of the public, the third floor of the boudoir out of the sound.

The sound of the piano is wonderful. The sound is clear and distinguishable, but it is sad and sad. It is sad to hear it.

Moreover, there is no accompaniment, just simply playing the piano.

At the end of the song, a young gentleman clapped his hands and applauded: "it's Mr. Su Yi, indeed. The sound of the piano has reached the wonderland of returning to the nature. A piece of music fully demonstrates the attachment and attachment of a woman to be married. It belongs to the fairy music in the sky."

Li Yun almost burst out with a sip of tea.

But the people on the first floor and the second floor agreed in a loud voice, as if Mr. Su Yi's piano was like this, and the atmosphere became more and more intense.

"Gentlemen." Aunt Zhao took the opportunity to say, "although I can't bear to leave, my daughter has grown up, and it's time to find a good husband. So tonight is Suyi's 20th birthday, and it's also the day for Su Yi to choose her husband. However -"

when a group of people were so excited that they wanted to shout, aunt Zhao said with a smile: "plain clothes are naturally beautiful and proficient in four books and five books I have a little knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology. I can say that I have only five cars and eight talents, which is no different from that of a man. "

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