Godly Choice System - Chapter 2898

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:00:13 AM

Chapter 2898

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I can't imagine that the woman with a pretentious and lofty face would like her husband.

However, hahaha, it is also because her husband's charm is so great that the saints in the hidden holy valley have been occupied.

Wan Qingya was soon excited: "the saint of Yinsheng Valley has been taken over by my husband. Then I will not see that mean woman sleeping at night?"? Ha ha ha ha ha, if Wan Qing imperial concubine knew this matter, I don't know if she would be so surprised that all the tea would come out? I'm looking forward to it. "

Both the appearance of fanqingsheng at that time, or the shock of Wanqing's concubine when she knew that their mortal enemy, Vatican Qingsheng, had become a "sister" relationship, all made her feel extremely exciting.

I don't know what it would look like if Wan Qingfei really stayed in the same bed with the fancied woman.

What would she look like if she was elegant?

Her husband's going to love it, right? Oh, ha ha!

An inexplicable evil thought flashed in his heart. His back turned to the two golden flowers of the palace, and his lips were lifted up. However, he pretended to be a little girl's surprise and said to Li Yun: "husband, fanqingsheng, she is so My sister, too? She's with you now? "

Li Yun:

He didn't want to clear up the relationship. He would be confused.

"Don't talk nonsense. What is your sister?"

"Hey, hey, hey."

Wan Qingya said with a mysterious smile: "husband, I'll reveal a message to me. My cousin, she will also go to Yinsheng valley."

"She? Wan Qingfei? Are you sure? "

Li Yun is surprised. What does Wan Qing Fei want? Do you want to take advantage of the secession of the valley of hermit to attack?

Unfortunately, he went to Yinsheng Valley, and some saints came in person. Even if Wan Qingfei and Wanfa Xian attacked together, it was estimated that they could not get good fruits.

Unless the six gates really pour out, or the hidden holy Valley really splits directly.

"I know about it."

Li Yun is still and asks about her purpose of going to the No. 3 residence. Wan Qingya talks about him without half a word of truth.

"Elegant and elegant"

"Yes, husband!"

When Li Yun called her, the mysterious guy agreed honestly, which made Li Yun lose his temper even if he wanted to. Moreover, he didn't know what method she used to enter the No. 3 residence, but he could ignore the array laid down by Qingsheng.

What he didn't know was that Wan Qingya was a separate body from the incarnation of demons. He was born with the ability to ignore array restrictions, be immune to spiritual attacks, and bewitch and control others.

Elegant and elegant, almost equal to the devil.

"No matter what your purpose is, whether you mean it or not, if you hurt my family, I will not spare you. Do you hear me?"

Although Li Yun has a certain degree of trust for this person who has a certain degree of favor reaching 100, judging from her style of speaking and doing things, she is also a Wanqing imperial concubine, and is more unscrupulous than her.

At least Wan Qingfei will not run to his confidant's house for no reason.

"Why, my husband's woman is my woman Oh, no, it's my sister. Of course I have to take good care of them. "

The words of Wan Qingya let the palace Qingyu at the door give her a white eye.

Sure enough, this guy is here to challenge and challenge her "official Palace" status. No wonder she sneaks in quietly, in order to give her a powerful horse?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!