Godly Choice System - Chapter 301

Published at 19th of February 2022 07:03:26 AM

Chapter 301

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"The four of you are on guard. Don't go too far away."

"Forensics take photos first and try to preserve the traces of the scene."

"Be careful, isn't this monster poisonous?"

"Collect some meat and bone samples, and then we can verify them later."

Liao Hua commands people's work in an orderly way. Li Yun and Liu Xianxian have nothing to do, so they sit on a dead tree to watch the opera.

By the way, exchange feelings.

"Well, no more."

Liu Xianxian shyly pushed Li Yun away, although she has no objection to Li Yun's intimate behavior, and even a little like it.

But after all, in front of the public, she still felt very shy.

"It's OK. They're working. They don't have time to pay attention to us. Besides, they're in the light, we're in the dark, and we can't see it!"

The dark environment is the time to stimulate.

Li Yun deliberately said so loud that Liu Xianxian became more and more shy.

But then, Liu Xianxian felt his palm pinched by Li Yun, and then, Li Yun showed her the information in the mobile phone.

"Ah? Li Yun, you

Liu Xianxian looks at him in surprise. Li Yun doesn't want to be intimate with her, but wants to

"Haha, of course, I like immortals, too. Come on, give me another fragrance."

Li Yun kisses her bright and clean face with a loud crackle. Liu Xianxian trembles and blushes, although she knows that this is acting and is her best field.

But when Liu Xianxian was acting, he had never been so intimate with men!

"My fairy is so lovely. Come on, give your husband more kisses ~!"

"Xianxian, why are you so cute, my husband, I love you so much!"

"Xianxian Xianxian, others call you xianbaozi and Xianxian sister. I think it's very suitable. You have a soft face and kiss like a bun."

By Li Yun back and forth a few kisses, Liu Xianxian is very shy, only feel his face hot.

She knew it was acting, but Li Yun is really her boyfriend, these words are also from her boyfriend's mouth, sweet love words, intimate behavior, let the first love Liu Xianxian some can not bear.

It's too embarrassing.

Liao Hua and others feel very funny. Li Yun behaves very calmly all the way, but he is really a big boy. He will change a lot when he is with his girlfriend.

"Director Zhang!"

The two forensic doctors were brought by director Zhang of Annam city. One of them called on director Zhang and Liao Hua to go there.

"What's the matter?"

"These bones, I'm afraid..."

The two medical examiners looked at each other with an expression of surprise and fear that could not be concealed.

"What happened to the bone?" Director Zhang asked in a hurry.

Annan city is under his jurisdiction, but now this incident has happened. If he fails to handle it well, he will be punished by his superiors, so he has to pay attention to it.

The forensic doctor bit his teeth and said, "I'm afraid this bone is not one person, no, not even three or five people, but a dozen or so people's bones!"

Bones of more than ten people!!

People are surprised, even the guard of the special forces can not help but turn to look at this side.


A forensic doctor showed them the bones in the sealed bag and said seriously: "this is the finger bone of a man about 20 years old, and this one is the bone of a man who is about 30 years old. This is a 25-year-old woman. This is a 50 year old man who often does physical work..."

With experience, the forensic medicine identified the bones one by one.

With his words, people only felt a chill around them, which made the scalp numb and the hands and feet cold.

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