Godly Choice System - Chapter 302

Published at 19th of February 2022 07:03:25 AM

Chapter 302

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According to Li Yun's statement that many people died in the cave, the red sarcoma monster is composed of dozens of human body parts, which are assembled and sewn together!!

For a moment, there was a dead silence near the cave, and everyone was frightened.

The red sarcoma monster is made up of many human bones. It reminds us of the centipede in the Western legend. It is absolutely disgusting beyond imagination. It's better not to understand it.

"Let's go into the cave and have a look!"

Liao Hua immediately decided that if it was confirmed that there were a large number of human remains in it, the crisis of the incident would immediately rise to several levels. A large number of personnel should be called to deal with them. The remains should be sorted and handled carefully and properly, and finally the family members could take them back.

Hearing this, Liu Xianxian got nervous and looked at Li Yun with worried eyes.

"Hey hey, it's OK, immortal. Let's go down the cave. It's dark inside. It's just for us to get intimate with you." Li Yun hehe "lewd smile" way, voice unspeakable obscenity.

"I hate it. It's not serious now!"

Liu Xianxian's face turned red. Her reaction was purely subconscious, not acting.

But she did not object, tightly holding Li Yun's coat, followed him into the cave.

After a while, Liao Hua called out in the cave: "you two come in too. We need people here!"

Hearing this sentence, the two special forces who were on guard in front of the cave looked at each other and walked into the cave in doubt.

According to the law, when entering the cave, someone should defend the entrance of the cave. Otherwise, the enemy will block the entrance of the cave or even blow it down. The people in the cave can only wait for death.

There was no light, and the moon was hidden behind the clouds. Near the cave of Xiangling mountain, it was in the dark. There were no fingers. Only the chirping of crickets was seen.

All of a sudden.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

With a strange laugh of treachery, a thin black figure skimmed over the bushes in the distance and landed in front of the cave.


The black shadow disdains the cold hum a, "I way is who will my suture person kill, originally is a group of officers and soldiers!"

"And there's a stupid boy who will only love beauty and never know it when he dies. It's so stupid!"

He rushed here when the stitcher was killed, guessing that someone would come, so he kept hiding in the mountains.

Li Yun and Liu Xianxian are also in love with each other.

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie, I can't afford to provoke the government, but you officers and soldiers have killed my suture man, so you will be my next sewing man's material!"

The shadow's gloomy and strange face showed a proud look, and then, taking out a flag full of charms, shaking it and saying something.

Soon, there was a response in the distance.

Seven or eight rigid figures came here one by one.

In the darkness of the night, these bouncing figures are so terrible that anyone who sees them will be scared to death!



The shadow who shook the flag faintly heard a cry of surprise. He immediately turned his head and looked at the other side with fierce eyes.


A crow was startled and ran away in a panic. The shadow snorted coldly and felt that he was a little suspicious.

How could a group of ignorant officers and soldiers, coupled with a pair of wild mandarin ducks, see through his plot?

"No.2, No.3, you go in and block them. The rest of the zombies will smash the cave for me and seal the hole!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!