Godly Choice System - Chapter 3078

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:55:23 AM

Chapter 3078

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The whole room of beautiful women, according to the sofa seat divided into a small group to chat with each other, temperament is not the same, but they are so magical fusion together, forming a big family centered on the men in the corner.

The secretary was completely shocked.

Those millionaires who pack a few small honey are extremely vulgar in front of Mr. Li Yun. Any of these gorgeous girls is much better than those vulgar ones. The honey is countless times stronger than that. There is no room for comparison between the two.

But this Mr. Li Yun has a full house.

Miss secretary is about to be scared silly. What is it like to see nearly ten fairies gathered together? She can easily answer: if you are a woman, then the first sight you see is already occupied by shame.

If it's a man I'm afraid to see this scene, will be envious eyes are red.

"Sister Ruqing, are you here? Come and sit down. Oh, yes. Where's Shinzo? Come to sister Su's arms now ~ "

Su Muxin changed into a more elegant dress today. She is no longer as casual as before. But in front of her acquaintances, she is still so easygoing. A few words can dissolve Shan Ruqing's uneasy psychology.

The secretary looked for a small stool and sat behind the president, respectfully listening to the conversation between the president and these rich people.

Mu Yongkang is no longer worth caring about.

The background of every beautiful girl here is frightening. Mu Yongkang is not worth mentioning. What's more, the energy of nearly ten girls gathered together is even more terrible.

Sure enough, the girls didn't mention Mu Yongkang at all. They had a fight with Shan Xiaoxiao, mainly Su Muxin, who was called a little pepper by the girls. Her laughter was the biggest and the happiest.

Secondly, she was called xiaoliuli. She was always serious on purpose, but every time she was provoked by pepper, she would expose her playful nature and make fun of her.

Shan Xiaoxiao in this environment is like a fish in water, she also has a restless heart, sister's call is unambiguous.

After the fun, the beautiful girls talked about Penglai Island again.

The Secretary cocked up her ears to listen.

"Little glass, have you encountered any trouble recently?"

"Trouble? No, hehe, I have asked my staff to buy a large area of land as the residence of our fairy society. At present, there seems to be How many of us, Fei Yao

"There are more than 35000 powers, more than 2000 postnatal and inborn martial artists, and some western people who call themselves magicians also want to join in. Sister Mingzhu said that she could open a branch called wuwushen alliance, but Tianfeng objected and said that she would give it to her husband Well, too much. "

"Ha ha, I agree with Tianfeng."

"Last week, we organized to hunt a level 8 monster and got a bone. It's a magic bone. We can bring it back to you when you have time."

"Beautiful country wants to cooperate with us recently, but I refused. The money is too small."

"It seems that a witch of Sakura kingdom is also looking for us. She is the person behind the master territory that Li Yun defeated in the capital city. She seems to be called Yishi Shenying. She is still very beautiful Mm-hmm. don't let him go! "

The secretary was shocked.

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