Godly Choice System - Chapter 3291

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:50:24 AM

Chapter 3291

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You can search "City God level selection system" in Baidu( )”Find the latest chapters! "ask your little girlfriend."

Zhao Tianfeng sat down and blamed Hu Xiaomeng.

Unfortunately, the little girl didn't mean to apologize at all. Instead, she just sat down, picked up the spoon, took a mouthful of porridge and gulped it down. She said in a loud voice: "delicious ~ ~!"

Zhao Tianfeng took a puzzled look at her and ate an egg with her. She said, "I didn't expect you to cook, Li Yun. Let me see how you're doing Well

After tasting Li Yun's fried eggs, Zhao Tianfeng's eyes widened. She even felt that she wanted to bite off her chopsticks.

"It's delicious!"

She can't help crying out, let several maids standing outside the door are a little curious, really so delicious?

"Hee hee, right?"

Hu Xiaomeng bit the spoon and said vaguely while drinking porridge: "Brother Yun is not only good at cooking, but also very good at cooking. Well, sister Fengfeng, did I tell you what happened when Brother Yun and I met?"

Li Yun coughed, "what can I say?"

That's one of his black histories.

"Oh? Tell me about it. " Zhao Tianfeng ignored him and urged Hu Xiaomeng to start talking about what happened at that time.

"Hey, you don't know, Sister Feng? I'm in the street of Longyang County... "

"Yes, the roadside stall! Can't think of it? Brother Yun was making a barbecue foolishly at that time. I said I wanted to have the best supper. Then, ah, I really had the best supper

"My chef is still unconvinced and has to compete with Brother Yun. As a result, after the competition, my chef almost worships Brother Yun as a teacher."

Hu Xiaomeng talked about what happened at that time, which made Zhao Tianfeng feel like knowing Li Yun again.

Especially after learning that he was a penniless poor boy less than a year ago, he felt even more incredible.

"Li Yun, you have inherited the ancient immortal mansion, but it hasn't gone bad?"

Zhao Tianfeng expressed her doubts.

Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she also knew that many people would become unscrupulous when they suddenly got rich.

"There's no exaggeration."

Now Li Yun has acquiesced that he has obtained the ancient immortal mansion. Of course, only fanqingsheng doesn't believe it - the saint has asked him clearly, but Li Yun didn't give a positive answer. This is one of the few places where he didn't confess to fanqingsheng.

"Now a lot of people have acquired powers, and they don't see a big change in their character?"

"It makes sense."

Zhao Tianfeng nodded.

Hu Xiaomeng didn't agree. "What's the point, Sister Feng? You're so stupid. Can many people acquire powers the same as the ancient immortal mansion alone? Just a sense of superiority, Brother Yun's ancient immortal mansion will kill those powers. Besides, there are many people who have become invincible. "

Zhao Tianfeng thought, "is that really the difference between Li Yun?"

"Well, don't boast. I'm good at your husband, isn't it better? Eat quickly, we'll go to play after eating! "

What Li Yun didn't say made Zhao Tianfeng deep in thought. She looked at them: "say Did we discuss where to play? "

Hu Xiaomeng's expression froze, "Er, not really!"

Last night, they and Li Yun were sitting in the garden like fools in winter, then they went back to the warm living room to play around, and finally they took a comfortable bath for half an hour. In the process, they had too much time to discuss the journey, but none of them thought of it.

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