Godly Choice System - Chapter 3326

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:49:32 AM

Chapter 3326

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You can search "City God level selection system" in Baidu( )”Find the latest chapters! a group of girls chuckled a few times and did not comment on the compliments of the beauty manager.

Among them, Fang Xue, Li Feng or Shan Ruqing are very ordinary. They are all at the school flower level outside. They have countless love letters and confessions in their three years of high school. At least eight of the ten passers-by on the road will look at them more.

Therefore, they have long been immune to such compliments.

What's more, with the saint lady around, who dares to say that she is a beauty?

In front of fairies, there are all ordinary women, no matter how beautiful they are.

Sure enough, the beauty manager and others soon noticed that the most special one of these girls, such as the saint who was banished from the world in the Ninth Heaven, had a noble temperament and once again shocked everyone.

"Well, I'll give it back to you, manager. Go ahead and do something."

Li Yun nodded to her, "if necessary, I'll find you again!"

"OK, OK."

The beauty manager nodded subconsciously, took her men to leave, took a few steps, and subconsciously looked back at the fairy who had never spoken.

She knew that I'm afraid she would have the chance to see such a beautiful and special fairy in her life!

Li Yun takes them to tianxueju. Driven by Hu Xiaomeng, Shan Xiaoxiao, Caixia and Su Muxin, the atmosphere of the team is not dull at all. All the women get together to chat. Even fan Qingsheng, who has never spoken, feels that he can blend in.

"Look, Tianxue palace!"

When she arrived at her destination, Hu Xiaomeng jumped forward happily and drew a super circle with both hands: "it's a great place. It only costs 168888 yuan a day to let us play king together..."


Zhao Tianfeng gives her a shudder. Hu Xiaomeng reacts and covers her mouth.

There are still pure and innocent girls here. We can't open the color cavity.

She just habitually used the tone of chatting in the group to speak, the result almost overturned.

"Play what king?" Caixia said she didn't understand.

"Well, nothing."

"Is it the king's game?"

But Shan Xiaoxiao said something that shocked Hu Xiaomeng and several girls. How did she know that?!

Shan Ruqing winked at her and told her not to say it!

"Mom, what's the matter with you? I saw it in the book ~ "Shan Xiaoxiao blinked, leaving Shan Ruqing speechless.

It's true in the king's game book, but Shan Ruqing knows

"OK, OK, go in, it's freezing ~"

Su Muxin pushes the door of tianxueju, and a group of girls enter. Although the heating on the first floor is not big enough, it's enough to freeze on the car and warm people all the way.

"Go, Caixia, Caiwei, and you little guy." Hu Xiaomeng picked up Shan Xiaoxiao and said with a smile, "I'll take you to visit xiatianxue palace. We'll all play here in the next week."

"Ah? For a week? "

"Yes, yes, great!"

Several girls between the girl and loli are happily running and fighting in the warm Tianxue palace. Su Muxin wants to join them several times, but it's not interesting. As a result, when she gets to the second floor, she still can't help pulling Jin Liuli and Xia Feiyao to play with Hu Xiaomeng.

Zhao Tianfeng left behind is quite uncomfortable. She is still used to being with Hu Xiaomeng.

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