Godly Choice System - Chapter 3471

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:45:59 AM

Chapter 3471

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after taking a bath for this blonde Lori and putting on the big clothes she took out of the space ring, Li Yun was relieved to see her sleep in bed.

Only then did he realize how hard it was to be a pope, especially one who needed to personally serve Lori!

"Li Yun, come here for me."

In the room with dim lights and the wind and snow blowing on the Antarctic continent, both fanlinglong and fanqingsheng didn't sleep. They just sat aside and watched Li Yun settle down her son, Lori and Su, before waving to let him go.

"What's the matter?"

Li Yun sat in the middle of the two girls and wanted to hold fanlinglong in her arms. However, she refused and held Qingsheng in her arms.

"What's the matter?"

Li Yun asked again.

"What's the matter?"

Fanlinglong's voice was not big. She was worried about Xiao Su sleeping in the room, but the voice of questioning remained the same: "don't you think we have been in a kind of The illusion floating in the air? "

Floating in the air refers to the unexpected development of things.

Li Yun pondered.

As a matter of fact, a series of things happened from entering Yinsheng Valley again are too dreamy.

Whether it's the Lord, or the fairy in yellow, or into the chaos of the world, or to see the escaped man, followed by the Antarctic continent.

Finally, Li Yun and fan Linglong brought a holy son out to the earth!

This is a real recognition to the system is reincarnation of the gods!

Her power, though severely limited, still has an inexplicable sense of mystery.

"Xiao su..."

Li Yun looks at loli Shengzi, who is sleeping soundly on the bed with her blonde hair on the pillow.


Li Yun asks himself that it's really unusual, but he still believes in the data of the system. Xiao Su, the reincarnated god, has a high affinity of 80 for him. Theoretically, the affinity is the same as the intimacy. When it reaches 80, it's quite exaggerated and belongs to the category of mutual trust.

"Sue is trustworthy!"

Li Yun chooses her and believes in the system. Although he only believes selectively, at least he can't distinguish at present. Compared with ancient gods and immortals, his power is still too weak.

"Oh?" Fanlinglong didn't have much objection. She just hesitated for a moment and said, "but I think she deliberately attracted our attention, especially after showing her body, she changed from a high God to a little girl who can only eat candy. It's a big change!"

Fanqingsheng nodded slightly.

She still remembers that when she first saw sue, she sat in a tree and the world around her was black and white.

Shengzi's eyes are indifferent and merciless. Ordinary people can't cause her mood fluctuations, they can only serve as the object of her observation of the world.

For example, she created Taohua village by herself, and the idea of Shengzi turned into more than 500 villagers, each showing different personalities, but Shengzi was always Shengzi and was not affected.

Such a person, such a son, undoubtedly gives people a strong sense of disobedience.

Fan Linglong and fan Qingsheng didn't say anything before. Li Yun made the decision. After they came out, they finally put forward their own opinions.

"Then you can only ask one person."

Li Yun took out the satellite phone, and fan Qingsheng asked directly, "elder QingNv?"


Li Yun got through to the QingNv of huangtingshan villa in Zhonghai city.


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