Godly Choice System - Chapter 3479

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:45:48 AM

Chapter 3479

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however, Xiao Mingzhu's eyes are attracted by a little girl behind Li Yun.

"This is "The son, Sue?"

So far, Xiao Mingzhu still thinks that the name of Xiao Su is strange, but she takes it for granted when she thinks of the young lady in Huangting mountain. The names of these ancient gods are different from those in modern times.

However, from the situation briefly described by Li Yun in his previous chat, the power of Shengzi Xiaosu is absolutely strong enough.

"I see..."

Li Yun understood why they took so much trouble to meet him.

To be exact, it's not to meet him, but to meet the son, Xiao Su!

Maybe they didn't understand it before, and they didn't do it so ceremoniously. However, since the young girl moved into Huangting mountain, they gradually realized her power and attached great importance to her son, Xiao Su, who came back from ancient times.


Playing with her mobile phone, loli finally raised her head. Her pale golden pupils swept all the girls around her and nodded: "everyone, you can believe me! I will protect you from disaster. "

A group of beauties were stunned.

"What a God?" Jinliuli, who came back from Penglai Island, muttered. Some of them couldn't believe it.

"What do you have, little sister?"

"Very powerful?"

"It seems very powerful."

Several girls expressed their opinions one after another. They came here with some awe, but when they saw that her son, Xiao Su, was just a little blonde girl in her early 10's, less than 1.4 meters tall, they were just silly.

"You Ignorance

The son, Sue, is angry.

"I, I believe in you!"

Hu Xiaomeng, who came from Beijing, jumped in front of Xiao Su and kindly came up to her and said in a loud voice, "I believe in you, son. Please protect me!"

"What do you want?" she asked

"I want to Well, I want to grow up quickly! "

"God, fulfill your wishes."

Shengzi stretched out a finger and pointed it on Hu Xiaomeng's forehead.

"No," he said

Before Li Yun had time to stop her, people saw that Hu Xiaomeng's Petite loli grew up rapidly. From her original height of 1.5 meters, she quickly developed into a 1.7 meters long leg with a tall figure that attracted people's attention.

Hu Xiaomeng was even more stunned. She could not help but put her hand over her chest and touch her face. In a panic, she felt the mirror from the space ring and looked in the mirror.

A familiar and strange, but absolutely beautiful, full of youthful beauty's face, reflected in Hu Xiaomeng's line of sight.

"Well Is that me

Hu Xiaomeng is completely stupid.

Originally, she just wanted to have a fun attitude to see what the "new" little sister had, but it turned out to be like this.

All the women around were equally stunned.

They are used to Hu Xiaomeng's cute and playful appearance, but now she suddenly grows up, which makes them feel a little unacceptable. They even feel that Hu Xiaomeng is a little strange. Even Zhao Tianfeng, who has been with her, feels the same way.

"No nonsense."

Li Yun pats the little Su's cerebellar pouch, and then reaches for Hu Xiaomeng's shoulder. As a result, Li Yun's hand passes through and falls on On Hu Xiaomeng's face.

"Well, magic?"

Gong Qingyu's first reaction is that growing up Hu Xiaomeng is a fake, just a magic trick!

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