Godly Choice System - Chapter 3509

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:45:05 AM

Chapter 3509

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taking a deep breath, Li Yun put his hand out and knocked on the window.


Inside the blonde little Lori was obviously startled, turned around, saw that it was Li Yun, the lonely feeling on her face disappeared, and turned to anger: "why? I can't fly if I bully the son? Tell you... "

"Open the window!"

"What for?"

"Open the window!"

"What on earth Ah, ah

As soon as the golden haired son opened the window, Li Yun put his arm around her and took her out of the room. It was like the princess with long hair in a Dini movie, and Li Yun was the prince.

Handsome prince.


Blonde Lori blushes. It's the first time that she's been hugged by a man for so long It's just like holding a child, a pair of big hands holding her armpit, shame to death!

What's more annoying is that it seems that after her own reincarnation, even her mind has become a child, and she always wants to be hugged Li Yun is a bad guy.

"Don't you, do as the Romans do, understand? This is the new year's eve of Huang Xuanguo. If you live alone tonight, it will be too lonely Even if you spend the new year outside or here, you have to be with people. "

Li Yun looked at the front of the sofa she was sitting on. After seeing a hot kettle and a bucket of instant noodles on it, three black lines suddenly appeared on his forehead: "New Year's Eve, you told me you eat instant noodles?"

"What new year's Eve? What's wrong with instant noodles? How nice it is to eat instant noodles

The blonde lolly replied hard, but her hands clasped Li Yun's neck tightly and hung on him like a golden koala.

Before, she did feel deeply lonely.

After this resurrection from ancient times, there is no one in the world who knows. This inner loneliness becomes more and more intense after the maids and bodyguards of the castle go home for the new year.

If it wasn't for Li Yun, she would be able to stay in a daze on the sofa for half a night, and then unconsciously close her eyes to sleep. It would be no problem for her to sleep for a few days.

"It's hard to reply."

Li Yun reaches out his finger and flicks her round baby fat face. After closing the window, he takes her down the mountain regardless of the instant noodles bucket on the table.

"What for?" Sheng Zi Xiao Su struggles again. She doesn't want to be pitied by her "God envoy" and doesn't want others to see her look like she's still alone on New Year's Eve!

God, no, son, you don't need any reunion or warmth!

The son is a lonely preacher, is Ouch.

Li Yun is pinching her face again!

"You see."

Li Yun and his son Sufei are in the air of Huangting mountain, holding her little buttocks in one hand and pressing her baby's fat face in the other hand. Let her have a look at a brightly lit Castle nearby. Unfortunately, this is Xiao Mingzhu's castle.

It's just that Xiao Mingzhu is going to spend New Year's Eve on the Huangting mountain with her parents and Xiao's clan tonight, so she doesn't follow Li Yun.

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at the prosperity of the world!"

Li Yun uses a quite literary and artistic vocabulary, and then turns around to let Sheng Zi Xiao Su see the brightly lit Zhonghai city in the distance, the bright high-rise buildings, giving people a strong flavor of fireworks, which is the so-called worldly prosperity.

The high-rise buildings in big cities and the markets in small counties where people come and buy new year's goods can both represent the attitude of prosperous society, but they have another feeling.

Li Yun likes both of them, and I believe Qingsheng does the same.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!