Godly Choice System - Chapter 3659

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:41:13 AM

Chapter 3659

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"It's really you!"

Li Yun, who guessed the truth, also ate it. "Eight Qi snake Didn't you get killed by Suzaki? "

Suzhan mingzun is another honorific name of xuzuo's man, which is equivalent to the name of God.

What this "golden goddess" roared just now was the name of xuzuo man.

When Li Yun made a mistake and did not really tell the legend, he provoked the hidden evil god and directly revealed himself.

No, it's not so much an evil god as God of disaster!

There is also a saying about the God of disaster in other places, but the Sakura Kingdom has a long sword. In common, it means to create disasters to threaten mortals and obtain the God of faith.

It is a God, but not a God to protect people, but a God to create disasters and force ordinary people to believe in it!

According to the legend, the eight Qi snake was defeated by xuzuo Zhinan who went down to the earth just because he was in trouble. He cut off his eight heads and got the Tiancong cloud sword from his corpse!

That is to say, the grass shaved sword is one of the three artifacts of the cherry blossom kingdom.

Yes, one of the artifacts of Sakura kingdom is actually found from the body of a snake. It is a disguised proof that the Sakura Kingdom's God is weak. At the same time, it indirectly proves that this Baqi snake should be a strong strange snake in its heyday. Otherwise, it can't be one of the three noble sons and the rival of xuzuo man, the younger brother of Tianzhao.

"Worm, you know a lot?"

The golden goddess sneered, and her body was gradually changing from a beautiful and plump goddess to a dragon with two huge heads, thick and dark body and two strange tails.

“…… Ah

Yi Shi Shen Ying saw with her own eyes that the great Royal God she had always believed in changed from a goddess to a monster. For a moment, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She held Li Yun for a long time and didn't speak.

This strange snake in her eyes is so terrible, ferocious two faucets, big mouth blood plate, four eyes such as black and red blood, emitting a cold light.

The body is crouching in the mountains. It is thick and dark. The body is covered with dragon scales. The two strange snake tails diverge at the end and stand up high. It seems that it can attack the enemy fiercely at any time.

It looks like a rattlesnake, but the tail of this strange snake is far more terrifying than that of a rattlesnake. One is blue, the other is red, and the venom drips out faintly, which pollutes the whole valley and turns it into a place of miasma.

"This Is that God? No, monster? Demon God? "

Xiao Mingzhu is also shocked. After entering the Reiki era, there are many monsters on the earth. She has seen them up close and even rode a huge whale the size of an island.

In Penglai Island, she also saw many strange monsters.

But those monsters, in front of this monster with two heads and two tails, are just as ridiculous as the snakes, insects, mosquitoes and ants on the roadside!

Not only can't compare the figure completely, ferocious degree and give the person's pressure to see, this monster is also rolling strong!

This strange snake should not have appeared in the real world, the ancient flood and famine is its only destination.


Li Yun's voice was clear and clear, soaring into the sky: "see? There's a huge monster in your mind. It's its ambition to rule the whole Sakura kingdom that leads to the massacres in the temple of ISI! It's the one who's responsible for everything

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