Godly Choice System - Chapter 3846

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:35:55 AM

Chapter 3846

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But before Qin tianmeng finished his breakfast, the accident happened.

“Handsup,! Otherwiseyouwillbeshot!”

A group of regular troops of the Pharaonic state in yellow and white uniforms rushed in. At least seventeen or eight people, armed with submachine guns, pointed at the guests who were eating breakfast in the dining room.

But what makes this group of soldiers of the Pharaonic Kingdom strange is that most of them are calm when they are pointed at by the black muzzle of the gun, and even their expressions have not changed a bit!

Only a few of the guests at the table were scared to raise their hands and make a common posture of no resistance.

As for the rest of you... Do what you want.

Yes, including Li Yun and Alice, Joanna's maid, several bodyguards and Qin tianmeng, they are all calm and indifferent, and they don't take these people who rush in all of a sudden seriously.


Several of Qin tianmeng's teammates even put up their middle fingers at the soldiers of the Pharaonic kingdom. Let alone take them seriously, they directly humiliated each other.

The sergeant in charge of the team finally realized that these people were essentially different from those who came to make trouble in the pyramids.

He didn't dare to order arrest directly.

To that middle finger, also is to ignore abruptly.


The sergeant was shocked and angry, but he did not dare to give orders.

He saw that these people seemed to be all powers!

"Go where you come from!"

A person from Huang Xuanguo scolds directly, regardless of whether these people understand or not, but everyone must understand.


Another black mercenary held out his middle finger and let the group go.

Because of various reasons and coincidences, a large number of powers and mercenaries gathered in this restaurant. They are all maniacs who are not afraid of death, not to mention guns.

"What's the matter, sir?"

Alice, who had been watching quietly, asked the sergeant after seeing that Li Yun didn't speak.

When the sergeant saw that someone could communicate with him, his ugly face eased a little. After seeing Alice's outstanding beauty and tall posture, his expression relaxed directly, but his mouth was still very hard: "do you know that this is the kingdom of the Pharaons? Why do you discuss the tomb robbing pyramids in public? Do you really think that we Pharaons don't exist? "

Inspired, a group of soldiers began to shout.


All of a sudden, there was a loud noise, which made everyone startled. He turned to look at the woman in the red skirt and was very surprised.

"You are bold."

Qin tianmeng said something that made everyone feel strange. Only Li yunyin recognized her... Huang Xuanguo's unique English!

"Big gall..."

But he didn't react immediately. He repeated it subconsciously. After a while, goose bumps came out of his arms, and the whole person fell into a sense of embarrassment that he wanted to get to the ground.

Shame breaks the sky!

However, Qin tianmeng was arrogant and didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, he said in Huang Xuan's Mandarin, "do you know who we are?"

Immediately, Qin tianmeng said to one of her teammates, "translation."

Li Yun

She also brought a translator?

The man is also a yellow, wearing a pair of glasses, pushed back, translated in standard English.

The crowd began to see the play.

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