Godly Choice System - Chapter 3917

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:34:12 AM

Chapter 3917

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Dim light around, but still not enough, so Li Yun increased the intensity of the body of the fire, let himself become a pillar of fire, illuminate the area of 100 meters.

"The surroundings have changed!"

Alice was keenly aware of the change.

When they came into the interior of the Black Pyramid, they saw a passage with murals and a hall connected inside.

But after the door was closed, Li Yun lit up all around again, and Alice saw the passage disappear. Instead, it was a huge space with no boundary.

There was also a sort of roar.

"There seems to be a monster?"

Someone listened attentively and quickly came to the conclusion: "Mr. Li, there are monsters in the darkness all around us. They are far away from us, but they are getting closer and closer. Does the light attract their attention?"

The crowd became nervous and raised their vigilance again.

Li Yun did not speak and turned to look at the darkness around him.

Compared with the previous Xinghai universe, here is a boundless darkness, without any light, starlight and moonlight, which is a kind of extreme darkness.

Only Li Yun is still emitting a little light, like burning a hole in the dark. No wonder some people guess that the monster is attracted by the light.

What's more, the roars of the monsters are getting closer and louder. People seem to have felt the vibration of the ground. It's absolutely that countless monsters are roaring close.

"Mr. Li Yun!"

Wook felt anxious, and now he had to let himself fall into the dark, so that the monsters would not rush over.

"Extinguish the fire, and the monster will stop attacking?"

Li Yun expressed his doubts, but he did not continue to maintain the flame arbitrarily. Instead, he chose to take back the Disha fire and let the light disappear completely.

The world fell into darkness again.

The roar of the monsters stopped.

"Sure enough

Wook was elated and felt that he had done the right thing at last. Because of his correct proposal, the roar of the monsters disappeared!

Many people are relieved, but the darkness gives them a sense of security, without the roar of those infiltrating people.

"Aren't you surprised?"

But Li Yun said at this time: "if those calls are really monsters, and they are really attracted by the light, then they already know our position, and now they should continue to charge."

"Not necessarily." "The monsters may only be allergic to light. After all, it's a dark world," Reina advises

"Maybe, but the sense of smell and hearing have degenerated? Not to mention that monsters will degrade these senses, even if they only remain sensitive to light, it's worth studying. " Li Yun said again.

"Well... I agree with you." Rina nodded this time.

All the way, she has been independent, not completely following Li Yun's decision.

"At least we're safe now." Black West, the wind power, he is very reluctant to fight in the dark, it is easy to lose his bearings.

"But how do we find a way out?"

Alice also expressed her opinion, "we are safe now, but it's dark all around. Even if Li Yun can roughly perceive the surroundings without catching his eyes, he should always light up the surroundings."

"Light it up when you need it." West added.

This time, he won the recognition of most people, they do not want to face the countless monsters coming.

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