Godly Choice System - Chapter 4005

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:32:11 AM

Chapter 4005

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Moreover, Gong Qingyu closed her eyes. She didn't know whether she was blushing or whether she got up too early in the morning and was tired.

In terms of her work and rest, if she doesn't mess around with Li Yun at night, she has to go to bed at least at one or two, get up yawning at eight in the morning, have lunch at noon and take a nap, but in the afternoon she is sleepy and doesn't want to move.

In the evening, it's Gong Qingyu's active time. What she likes most is to watch animation in her study, or play mobile phones and console games.

If accompanied by Li Yun, she would not go out for several days.

"Don't you mean not to pick me up?"

Li Yun embraces the girl in his arms and caresses her face. His heart is only moved, not bored by her arrogance.

If a girl comes to pick him up in such a hurry, even if she is ten times more arrogant, who can be angry?

"It's not for you to come out for a walk when you have nothing to do... No!"

Gong tilted her cheek and didn't want to give Li Yun a touch, but Li Yun just wanted to pinch it. Then Gong tilted her cheek and bit his hand.

"You belong to dogs."

Unable to laugh or cry, Li Yun doesn't choose to take away his fingers or let Gong Qingyu loosen his mouth. Instead, he lowers his head, makes a few intimations on her cheek, and then turns to kiss Gong Qingyu's Scarlet lip. Well, obviously, he's wearing lipstick so that he can kiss her when he comes back

"Bad guy, eh."

Gong Qingyu had known for a long time that if she came to pick him up, she would be taken into her arms by the villain Li Yun. If she didn't get a kiss for more than half an hour, Li Yun would have changed his mind and didn't love her!

Rather... She came to pick up Li Yun just for this moment.

Before Li Yun meets the girls at home, she can monopolize Li Yun for a period of time. That's enough.

Gong Xiaochun turned red slowly.

She had expected that the young lady would come to pick up her uncle and be hugged by him. After all, she and her uncle had not seen each other for nearly a week. For a young lady who was in love with him, it was like the past 20 years.

Just expect, also fantasize, can really see uncle and miss in the back seat of the intimate embrace of appearance, Gong Xiaochun or red face.

It's going too far.

Miss's Ru skirt should not have to be abandoned again? It's been torn apart.

"Er... Throw it away? What an expensive thing, miss

Gong Xiaochun saw what she had just thought, and was thrown into the co pilot's seat, followed by a few personal things.

"Miss, is your persistence too fast? Just now I was proud and charming. Now I'm a little lamb

Gong Xiaochun make complaints about it.

When the lady in the back seat covers her mouth to shed tears, Gong Xiaochun reduces the speed of the car, leaving enough communication time for the two people in the back seat. She slowly drives the car back to Gong's home.

She took a special look at the rear window. Well, it's a special kind of window. You can't see the inside of the car from the outside.

My uncle and miss can confidently and boldly express their feelings that they haven't seen for many days.

It's just that Gong Xiaochun is still worried. This kind of window can't block the sight, but can it block the sound?

After we go back, we can experiment with Xiao Xia. If the sound is too loud for people passing by, it will be bad.

Fortunately, the sound insulation seems to be OK.

There were only a few cars passing by. I looked at this strange BMW suspiciously, but no one paid too much attention to it.

After all, it's on the road!

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