Godly Choice System - Chapter 4129

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:29:01 AM

Chapter 4129

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In fact, the Qing imperial concubine said that she was not against this kind of life in her heart, and she was ready to be with Li Yun. It was only because the Qing imperial concubine was shy in her heart that she made an excuse to cover it up.

Princess Qing... Agreed, or imagined that they would serve Li Yun together.

When did it start?

The Qing imperial concubine unexpectedly agreed?

How can

For a moment, Wan nishang only felt that the world was turning around. She wanted to tease Li Yun, but unexpectedly she teased herself. Now how can she face this little bastard?

Three mentors with him?


shame on you!

——As for who is shameless to scold, it is probably to scold herself.

The atmosphere between the four suddenly became strange. The master and apprentice had a strange connection with Li Yun, especially Wan nishang.

Li Yun coughed, "these words are not said for the time being, master nishang, I want to ask you a question."

Wan Qing imperial concubine glanced at him and muttered: "these words? Not these jokes? Ha ha, it seems that you really think about it. "

The voice is light, make complaints about it.

But which of the four people present is not a master of hearing and seeing? As long as you listen carefully, you can hear it in a low voice.

Wan nishang's face is more red a few minutes, stare his daughter one eye, let Wan elegant.

Li Yun pretended not to hear Wan Qingfei's words and continued: "nishang, what do you think of the existence of Qingya? You should know about her, don't you

"I see." Wan Qingya takes the initiative to answer her husband and says with a smile.

Li Yun called nishang directly, but wan nishang didn't notice it. Even Li Yun just said it casually. Only wan Qingfei, who had a keen mind, immediately recognized the difference.

She took a look at her master. Seeing that she didn't notice the change of her name, she understood that she didn't hate Li Yun.

And a woman does not hate a man, two people often get along with each other, and have an ambiguous beginning, often will happen a lot of follow-up things.

Not to mention that her master's side, including her old friends, is already Li Yun's side, so her master can't escape.

"Yes, so what?"

Wan nishang's tone became as cold as possible. "No matter what the origin of Qingya is, she recognizes me as a master and my mother. Then she is my apprentice and my daughter! That's the simple thing. "

She looked at Qingya, her eyes were full of tenderness and doting, everyone could see her maternal brilliance.

"Mom is the best!" Wan Qingya's character is very simple. She smiles and rushes into Wan nishang to act like a coquetry. She lets Wan nishang, who is indifferent in front of Li Yun, break her skill on the spot, hugs her second daughter and kisses her face

"See how good my daughter is?"

Wan nishang looks at Li Yun, full of joy and complacency. She doesn't realize that her daughter has a relationship with Li Yun.

Li Yun said with a smile: "I don't mean that. I mean, nishang, why do you think the skill of incarnating demons can make Qingya appear? Although I know that she is based on the Qing imperial concubine, if I don't explore it clearly, I always worry that Qing Ya will... "

"What will happen?" She was a little nervous.

"It will disappear."

Wan nishang was stunned on the spot.

Since the appearance of Qingya, she has fallen in love with this lively and lovely daughter. Although she is very naughty, wanqingya is not wanqingfei's so introverted. She likes to be coquettish, very lovely.

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