Godly Choice System - Chapter 4185

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:27:41 AM

Chapter 4185

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Wan Qingya compared the map, it is a pity to say.

Li Yun stood up on the deck and said, "it's normal to change. After all, tens of millions of years have passed since the time when the gods were active. Even the moon is far away from us, a few centimeters away every year, tens of millions of years away from hundreds of thousands of meters, not to mention the islands on the sea."

"The moon is far away from us?"

Wan nishang subconsciously looked at the sky, noticed that after the day, just mumbled.

Li Yun laughed: "nishang, you should learn something to keep up with the times."


There was no objection. I probably agreed.

"All right, let's go."

Li Yun didn't tangle with this topic, and said to the three women, "let's park this yacht near here and float some distance. Anyway, we can fly and find it soon."

Wan Qingfei said: "it's to take the yacht as the center and search around, right?"

"Yes." Li Yun looked at Qingya: "the main force is Qingya you. After all, you take bamboo leaves and neon clothes, and you are with her. Princess Qing and I depend on each other and separate into two teams to find."

Wan nishang nods slightly. She knows that Li Yun has some ability to break through the boundary and see through the vanity. Maybe she can find the hidden purple bamboo forest.

Purple bamboo forest is the target they are looking for this time. I don't know where it is. I only know that the sleeping place of Guanyin Bodhisattva is here.

"OK, no problem, then do it!"

"Yes ~ ~!"

Wan Qingya wants to be with Li Yun, but it's important to get down to business, and she doesn't act like a coquettish. She flies with her mother and flies to the sea.

Li Yun is not too worried about them. Not to mention the strength of Wan nishang, but to say Wan Qingya, she will not have any problems flying on the sea, and the storm will not hurt her, unless she is tired of dealing with a large number of sea monsters, and finally lost her way, so that she can have a little bit of accident.

"Well, they..."

The crew on the ship were stunned when they saw Li Yun's four men flying away.

It turned out that they were carrying four superpowers. No wonder the four of them packed a boat. Now they are flying away to look for something. Is there an ancient relic nearby?

However, give them ten courage, and they dare not drive a yacht to look for it. Even if they can find it, they can't get into those dangerous ancient relics. They'd better stay on the yacht and have a holiday.

This search is a day.

In addition to the four people flying back to the yacht for a simple lunch at noon, Li Yun and imperial concubine Qing, as well as Qingya and wannishang on the other side, are all searching on the vast sea.

Relying on satellite mobile phone positioning, Li Yun can still determine their location.

From morning to evening, until half of the red sun fell into the sea, the sea was dyed golden yellow, and Li Yun got nothing.

"Go back."

Li yunchong two or three kilometers away, stepped on the sea Wan Qingfei cried.

He and WAN Qingya have been flying for a day. Apart from some fishing boats or ocean going freighters, and some fish monsters wandering in the ocean, there are only some gulls flying in the sky.

Wan Qing imperial concubine didn't reply, low head in that.

"What's the matter?"

Li Yun flew away quickly and fell beside her.

"Li Yun, you see..." Wan Qingfei handed over her mobile phone, looking a little bad, "the last time I saw them, they were there, now I saw them for another minute, they are still there!"

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