Godly Choice System - Chapter 419

Published at 19th of February 2022 07:01:35 AM

Chapter 419

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Yu Wensheng's face was blue and purple. Everyone was watching his jokes. He wanted to kill all the people who laughed at him.


In the end, Yu Wensheng took out a card with a gloomy face, threw it down like garbage, and said, "there are ten million in it, and the password is 112401."

His voice was very calm, and after that he turned away without saying goodbye.

Old Huang frowned. When Yu Wensheng invited him, on the one hand, Yu Wensheng was sincere and generous. On the other hand, he came to see Gong Lianyi because of his sincerity and generosity, and on the other hand, he went to see the doctor for Gong Lianyi.

But I didn't expect that Yu Wensheng's sincere attitude was pretended. His temper was quite irritable, and he wanted to hurt people if he didn't agree.

Gong Lianyi's eyes are as gentle as ever. She doesn't show any sign of yuwensheng's leaving. As long as Li Yun is OK, she has no interest in other men.

"I remember!"

A fashionable girl pointed to Li Yun and exclaimed, "aren't you the author of wandering in the world?"

Everyone was stunned and their eyes turned to Li Yun.

"I wipe it. It's true!"

"No wonder he is so loving. Last time Li Yun was also for donation, so he punched and sang at the same time

"So handsome!"

"It's not only that. People still have money. Li Yun's company is fantastic now, with a market value of 10 billion!"

In the face of people's starlike eyes, Li Yun helplessly smiles, "I heard my song, so I noticed this, but I didn't expect to make such a thing. However,

after a pause, Li Yun said with a smile: "if you are willing to offer your love, I think this gentleman will certainly thank you!"

"Handsome boy, if you want us to show love, do you want to fight like last time?" A girl said with a smile, and soon all the people got up and took out a red note for Li Yun to perform on the spot.

Gong Lian has a strong surprise in her beautiful eyes. Is this song written by Li Yun?

She likes this song very much. From the lyrics, we can know that the person who wrote the song must be a bold and unrestrained knight errant, but it was written by the man she valued most, which made Gong Lianyi have a strong sense of surprise.

It turns out that the man she likes is so powerful.

"Cough!" Li Yun was serious: "I do this kind of thing once is enough, just right, my two friends are around, how about let them present their talent this time?"

"Two good friends?! Two beauties

For a moment, the eyes of the people looked at the two golden flowers of the palace.

"I don't want it!" said Gong Qingyu Jiao angrily

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. Just dance as you like!"


"Lianyi, are you coming?"

"Ah? I, I, that, I will not... "

"Is there a sword association? If I come to fight with you, I'll add some atmosphere! "

Gong Lian agrees with her red face. Her heart, which she thought had been silent for a long time, becomes vigorous again because of Li Yun. She is as bright and lovely as a girl.

However, Gong Lianyi couldn't do anything about sword dancing at all. She had to write poems on the spot instead. She successfully won the applause of the audience and donated money continuously.

Gong Qingyu was a little unconvinced. She took the initiative to dance a long sleeve Liuxian dance. Although it was not very standard, she was a classical beauty. She danced with flying sleeves and fluttering skirt corners. All the men and women present were fascinated by her appearance. Her donation suddenly reached the 30000 mark.

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