Godly Choice System - Chapter 4241

Published at 19th of February 2022 05:26:24 AM

Chapter 4241

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After the short ceremony, fanlinglong officially held the sacred keepsake to control the seclusion, and then distributed part of the rights to the Saint fanlinglong and the holy master, so that they also had the ability to control the seclusion.

This seclusion is the most authoritative expression of the Lord. As long as the seclusion is controlled, the valley will be safe.

Later, as the new Lord, fanlinglong held a funeral for Ji Yongnian, the former Lord. In fact, people bowed their heads to salute, thank the Lord for his contribution and send him away.

There were no flowers, no gongs and drums, no coffins to encapsulate the corpses, and no incense and candle rituals. It was just that fan Linglong recited the Sutra of Du Ren, that is, the Sutra of the supreme cave, the mysterious spiritual treasure without measurement. After the sutra was recited, a spiritual fire was fired, which burned all the relics of the former Holy Lord, turned them into debris, and buried them under the peach blossom tree where he used to meditate.

There is no tomb, only a stone tablet recording Ji Yongnian's life story is standing quietly under the tree for later generations to pay attention to.

This is the end of the law.


When everyone was sad, Li Yun suddenly felt something. He turned his head and found that it was the old man who had been guarding the aura fissure when he entered the aura fissure.

It is known as the fairy in yellow.

He walked slowly, but between a few breath, he came to Ji Yongnian's inscription not far away. After a silent look, he said to fan Linglong, "tomorrow afternoon, come to me. There are some things you should know."

No silence, as if he had known that Ji Yongnian was not really dead, or even if Ji Yongnian died, he was not worthy of silence!

There was a commotion. Most people didn't even know who the old man in yellow clothes was, just like they didn't know who wannishang's mother and daughter were.

Their experience is still too young.


Fanlinglong agreed to come down, and the immortal in yellow clothes disappeared again. But before he left, he took a look at the bamboo bracelet in wanqingya's hand.

The holy master frowned, but he could not figure out what the elder meant.

Only a few people with higher status in Yinsheng Valley know the existence of Huangyi immortal. But they also know that, after all, few people go to that aura crack, let alone see him.

"It looks like someone with a secret."

Wan nishang chuckles and whispers to Li Yun.


Wan Qingya touched the bracelet, "that old man, do you know my bracelet?"

Fanlinglong's heart sank. She had heard that Wan Qingya and Li Yun had met Guanyin Bodhisattva before they went to the South Sea. She even knew that they had been fooling around with Li Yun all night.

Huang Yixian knew the bamboo leaf bracelet, which probably meant that he was also a God, or a strong person, at least better than fan Linglong. She didn't see the difference at that time.

Combined with what Huang Yixian said just now, it is probably the former, that is, he is really a God.

If it is, there may be a god hidden in the six doors. It's terrible to think about it.

"These bastards!"

Wan nishang scolded in a low voice, didn't indicate who, but everyone understood.

"You don't have to worry too much about it. The attitude of the other side is still very good."

Li Yun said, and fanlinglong nodded silently, and dealt with some affairs in the valley with the holy master.

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