Godly Choice System - Chapter 526

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:59:18 AM

Chapter 526

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Before Li Yun said anything, Jin Liuli stood up excitedly, waving his little hands, and looked extremely excited: "it's so powerful. This time, I'm really right to come out with you! Oh, I must take a picture of the zombie, so that no one else will believe me

"By the way, if I kill a zombie, I will be famous. What kind of nickname should I use?"

"Glass fairy? Oh, what a nuisance! I don't want to call a fairy

"Great Xia Liuli? It's not right. Great Xia are all men, and I don't want them either

Li Yun couldn't keep up with her rhythm, but it was obvious that Jin Liuli was in a good mood.

The girl who left her mother's side for the first time, her melancholy and melancholy mood was dissolved by Li Yun.

"Ding, the host has made a choice, and the reward (bonus experience value + 100000, green gift bag * 2, golden glaze favor + 20, and additional bonus golden glaze favor + 4) has been issued!"

Additional bonus favorability?

Li Yun a Leng, so to say, Jin Liuli's degree of affection for him has reached 79.

"I want to play games, too!" Jin Liuli suddenly pounced on him again, holding Li Yun's hand, and his small head went to see his mobile phone.

“…… All right

If you don't agree, the girl can be very annoying.

But Li Yun is very helpless, just also had a good chat, how she big color. The devil big color wolf called him?

The popularity has reached 79!

"Liuli, did you download the game?"

"It will be ready soon Oh, really. It's a hard game to play. "


That night, Li Yunlian knelt for ten games.

In the morning, jinliuli didn't dare to look at Li Yun. She was still ashamed.

"Let's go and have breakfast, and then we'll start."

"Well, no more games!"


The two men walked out of the hotel. Before the others came down, Li Yun glanced around and saw a breakfast shop not far away. He was just about to walk there, but yesterday's big Hu came face-to-face.

"How about breakfast, little brother?" Dahu took out a cigarette with a smile on his face. Li Yun waved his hand and refused. He did not smoke and seldom drank alcohol.

Dahu was not angry. He took back his cigarette and continued to ask, "brother, where do you want to play today? Yesterday I said, can be your tour guide, the price is absolutely cheap! I'll give you a 30% discount

He looked at Jin Liuli with his eyes, which seemed to indicate that the 30% discount was on the face of the little beauty.

Li Yun waved his hand, "no tour guide."

"What do you want to buy? I... "


Li Yun refused coldly, indicating that Jin Liuli would follow, and they went to the breakfast shop.

"Hum!" Micro can not be checked cold hum, big Hu eyes flash a trace of vicious smell, turned around, walked to the side to call people.

Li Yun listens and frowns slightly. It seems that this guy doesn't give up.

Jinliuli, however, did not feel it. He picked a bun, a piece of noodles and a bowl of hot soup in the breakfast shop.

When they had breakfast, Wu Maoping came down with a black face. When he got up early in the morning, when brushing his teeth, he saw that they were walking downstairs shoulder to shoulder. He was so angry that he immediately jumped downstairs and beat Li Yun!

"Sister Liuli." Wu Maoping's face squeezed out a smile, "how do you get up and eat breakfast without calling me?"

"Was it not agreed last night?" Jin Liuli blinked, "gather at 8 o'clock in the morning and have breakfast separately."

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