Godly Choice System - Chapter 578

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:58:08 AM

Chapter 578

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"What a beautiful spirit!" Alice looked at the black feather butterfly excitedly. If she could, she would exchange all her money, even the real estate, for this little thing. The value would never be less than 100 billion!

But she didn't have to open her mouth to know that Li Yun would not change.

This is an elf, the fairy in the legend, the value can not be measured by money!

"Her name is black feather butterfly, intelligence quotient is very high, and human similar."

Seeing that the black feather butterfly was exposed, Li Yun could not hide it any more, so he took the initiative to introduce it to two curious little girls, and then took the butterfly back to his pocket.

But the black feather butterfly has just had enough food, and now she doesn't want to sleep, so she lies on the edge of her pocket and pokes out a head to look around.

Li Yun doesn't care about her. This little guy's appetite is beyond his expectation. He is one of the top ten fierce insects in ancient times. He was born with a child prodigy to devour her. That array just now could not stop her.

"Let's go, let's go to the ancient tomb!"

Li Yun, holding hillwin in his hand, took the lead in stepping into the originally covered hole.

"Ding, enter the dangerous moon swallow, reward (full attribute + 1000, experience value + 500000, gold gift bag * 1, additional purple equipment: golden double fork) has been issued

"Golden bifurcate

special effect: it is extremely hard, the attack is accompanied by flame burning, and the attack on evil monsters is greatly increased.

Explanation: in Western myths and legends, in order to repay the kindness of Hades, the one eyed giant, with the help of the God of fire, created a double forked artifact. "

Li Yun's heart is hot, do not mention the total attribute + 1000, on this golden gift bag, it has been cool!

However, he was puzzled. Before that, they were all equipped with Taoist and Buddhist equipment. How could he now reward the legendary gods in the west?

Is it because Alice is around?

The system says he sent this thing to the beautiful blonde princess, right?


Double fork, also known as straw fork, is the same as that used in rural areas to sort out grass and wheat straw.

Li Yun couldn't help laughing at the thought of the beautiful picture of Princess Alice fighting with a pair of forks. It's too funny!

After hesitation, Li Yun still did not send her the weapon, not because it was not beautiful enough, but because Alice was very wary of him. Accordingly, Li Yun did not trust her.

"What's the matter? Did you find anything? " Alice asked.

"No Li Yun shook his head and went on.

After entering the cave carefully, Li Yun discovers that it is a tomb of the Tang Dynasty. However, he has basically concluded that the so-called tomb style is deceptive.

In fact, all the 28 ancient tombs should have been built in the Ming Dynasty, probably the tomb of General Xu Tiande.

Li Yun walked into the corridor and walked toward the central hall.

When he was about to walk out of the corridor, suddenly, two black figures suddenly came to him. But Li Yun had already been on guard. How could he have been hit?

Master level ethereal footwork launched, Li Yun dodged two people's attack, at the same time, no longer save bullets, shot in the past.


The harsh sound of gunfire reverberated in the tomb, and Guo Xun and others were surprised and rushed forward.

"Well, eat a whip from my aunt!" Jinliuli also responded very quickly. After Li Yun shot a person, he threw a whip forward and urged the real Qi in his body to pull hard. However, he only heard the creaking sound of acid teeth, and the imaginary sound of bone breaking was not heard.

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