Godly Choice System - Chapter 604

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:57:34 AM

Chapter 604

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The palace, which covers a wide area, is surrounded by towering walls. There are small doors in the east-west direction for the servants to enter. Li Yunyuan looks inside and finds that there are many guards on patrol. It can be seen that forced entry is not feasible.

Unless he's invisible.

While thinking, Li Yun stood on the street not far away. One of the old ladies with a basket looked at him. It seemed that Li Yun's motive was not pure!


Li Yun pretended to be walking and walked down the street.

Near the Princess House, even the side door, ordinary civilians are rarely close, let alone stop to watch.

But Li Yun didn't give up so simply. He didn't go far. He followed the two old ladies far away and overheard their conversation.

After chatting with each other for a while, they finally talked about something that Li Yun was interested in.

"I heard that after the princess came back from the palace, she vomited blood just after getting off the sedan chair. I'm afraid..."

They spoke in a low voice and looked worried.

"Alas, the emperor has always sent imperial doctors to see the princess, but it seems that there is no good prescription. I think these imperial doctors are all rice bowls."

"It can't be said that the princess is born weak and sick. No matter how good a doctor is, she can only pray for the blessing of Bodhisattva."

"The poor princess is kind and beautiful. It's good for us servants, and the taxes on the fiefdoms are also exempted..."

Li Yun stopped. There was no need to listen to the follow-up words. He thought of a way to get close to Princess Yongning!

Without saying a word, Li Yun went to the main gate of the princess's mansion again, arched his hands to the two guards and said, "please inform me that Li Yun, a doctor in the Jianghu, can cure the princess's illness and restore her health!"

They were surprised and looked up and down at Li Yun. This man just broke into the princess's mansion, but now he suddenly came back and said that he could cure the princess. I'm afraid it's not a liar?

But he has claimed to be a quack doctor, which makes it difficult for them to judge whether it is true or not.

"Zhang Hu, look..." One of them looked at the other guard.

"Anyway, report to the housekeeper first!"

Zhang Hu glared at Li Yun and said, "you'd better not cheat us, or you will have good fruit to eat!"

With a faint smile, Li Yun looks like a fairy.

However, he had short hair, no beard, no dust and fan, and his ancient costume was not complete, so he couldn't tell the truth.

Fortunately, people here have ignored his modern dress, otherwise, Li Yun's short hair is enough to make people wonder whether he is a fugitive!

Because in ancient times, only prisoners were sent into exile with their hair shaved.

Not long after, a man in his fifties and wearing a long silk gown came out, looking very anxious. Seeing Li Yun, he immediately asked, "do you think you can cure the princess?"

"Not bad." Li Yun replied indifferently, muttering in his heart that this man should be the housekeeper of the princess's mansion. He was dressed up and had good momentum.

As the old saying goes, the seven grade officials in front of the prime minister's door, and the housekeeper of the princess are also unusual..

"Do you know where this is?" Guan Jia Gao's questions.

"Princess Yongning mansion."

"The princess is the body of thousands of gold, and the emperor has been very distressed about the princess's illness. You should know," the housekeeper's eyes became more and more fierce: "the crime of bullying the king is to punish the nine tribes. I ask you again, can you really cure the princess?"

"Yes or no, it's easy to know."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!