Godly Choice System - Chapter 655

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:56:29 AM

Chapter 655

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Huangting villa community.

This is the top villa community in Longyang county. Although it can't compare with some villas in Zhonghai City, many rich people in Zhonghai city are from Longyang county. They will buy houses in their hometown.

Therefore, the royal court villa community in Longyang county is quite beautiful.

There are not only basketball court, badminton court and other common facilities, but also a relatively high-end coffee shop, which is specially provided for the people in Regal district for discussion.

Li Yun saw several strong security guards standing in the community, all armed with guns. After seeing Fang's car, he only showed that Italian snow rolled out of the car and let go.

The reason for her appearance was that she was afraid that the people in Fang's car would be hijacked. The security guard only needed to take a look at Fang Xue's manner to know that she was bringing people back normally.

But the security guards will not think that the daughter of the Fang family actually brought her boyfriend back this time!

"It's nice to live here."

Li Yun saw the landscape trees on both sides of the road in the car. Getting up in the morning and running in the villa community, breathing the fresh air in the morning, it must be a kind of enjoyment.

"Hee hee, do you want me to lend you money and buy one?" Fang Xue not without complacent smile way.

Now she is not afraid of Li Yun's inferiority complex. The Baiyun technology company this guy runs is developing so well that she will definitely have money to buy villas in the future.

"You have money?"

"My parents!"

"Ha ha ha."

"What are you laughing at? what are you laughing at? You villain, my parents are my only daughter, and their money is my money. Hum ~ "

in the playful room, the driver drove his car to a three storey, European style villa.

This villa covers a wide area, with an estimated thousands of square meters. The total area of the three floors is considerable.

There are two-story buildings on both sides of the villa, guarding the main building. It is estimated that it is for the security guards and servants to live in. There are gardens and rockeries in front of the villa, and there is a grassland behind. There are some children's slide, which seems to be the amusement park when Fang Xue was a child.


Li Yun sighs, Fang Xue stares at him and seems to be asking, what are you sighing about?

"I was thinking," Li Yun held her girlfriend's little hand and said seriously, "what good things have I done in my last life, so that I can have such a good girlfriend as Xiaoxue in my life!"

Suddenly, Fang Xue's beautiful face blushed with shame, biting her lips, but she couldn't hide her smile.


Just when Li Yun wanted to hug her and kiss her, a slightly excited cry came from the window: "sister Fang Xue, are you back?"

"Well, I won't kiss you!"

After Fang Xue came back to her senses, she pushed Li Yun aside and arranged her face. She carefully took care of her slightly disordered hair, and her beautiful face returned to a cool look. She pushed open the door and went out.

Li Yun smiles in his heart. Fang Xue is really cold in front of outsiders. Li Yun's classmates even said behind his back that she is the most proud school flower in the history of Zhicai.

After going out, Li Yun saw a 15-year-old man of the same age, wearing glasses and a delicate face. He belonged to the type of "cream student", but there was more student spirit.

"I remember you were..."

Fang Xue hesitated, so that the delicate young man was greatly hit, "sister Fang Xue, I'm Hui younger brother, we met once last year!"

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