Godly Choice System - Chapter 689

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:55:53 AM

Chapter 689

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I'm Cao? And this setting!

Li Yun was puzzled and excited for nothing.

However, it is also right to think about it. After entering the first day, he can get the mind. It can be seen that the spiritual power and the physical body are complementary to each other, and can not improve the spirit.

"Forget it, don't use it."

Li Yun soon calmed down his mood. He is strong enough now. If he wants to be a master of six evil sects, he will fight with confidence!

"Snow, I'll go first." Li Yun stood up and looked at his girlfriend gently.

"Well, be careful!"

Fang Xue bit her lip. She knew that Li Yun was going to do something that she had to do, but she couldn't help anything.

"Don't worry, your husband, I'm very good."

Li Yun kisses her again on the forehead, turns and walks out.

After he left, Fang Xue raised her slender fingers and stroked her hot cheek. She thought Li Yun would move her hands and feet. She was ready, but she didn't expect Li Yun to hold back.

"Villain It's killing me

Fang Xue threw herself into the soft sofa and hid her head in the pillow shyly. She couldn't help imagining that if Li Yun had just treated her

"Big brother!"

As soon as Li Yun arrived downstairs, Zhu Dayou warmly welcomed him and nodded and said, "brother, do you want me to do something? As long as big brother says a word, I, Zhu Dayou, will never have a second word

Li Yun waved his hand, saying that he was too lazy to associate with people like Zhu Dayou and let him go back and forth from where.

Zhu Dayou's expression suddenly collapsed, and some pleaded: "elder brother, I know that you come from a special background. I'm a bit of rubbish. But I Zhu Dayou is not that kind of ungrateful person, I promise!"

Li Yun's expression is calm. Zhu Dayou's former headmaster was arrogant, but now he's attached to the fire. In a few words, he wants to be supported by a noble person. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Just want to ignore to leave, the system has issued a prompt.

"Ding, trigger option event, please host to choose:

option 1: Command Zhu Dayou to do something, reward medium-sized zhujidan * 1, Zhu Dayou's loyalty increases, and the host can obtain a congenital environment thug in the future.

Option two: ignore, no reward. "

Li Yun is a little surprised. Is he a fighter in the natural environment?

Zhu Dayou is now in his thirties. Even if there are Zhuji pills and Peiyuan pills, it's hard to get to the innate state.

And the system is so prompt, it shows that Zhu Dayou's talent is really good!

"What else can I do for you, brother?"

Seeing Li Yun stop, Zhu Dayou immediately licked his face and clapped his chest to guarantee that he was loyal and reliable. He had hundreds of millions of people under his command, with hundreds of millions of assets, how many discos, how many bars, as long as the elder brother said, all of them were given to him!

"All right."

Li yunpai waved his hand to stop him, "you first drive me to Zhonghai City, talk about it on the road, and see your performance."

"Ding, the host makes a choice and rewards the medium-sized zhujidan * 1, and Zhu Dayou's loyalty increases."

"Yes, yes, I'll ask the driver to drive right away!"

Sitting on Zhu Dayou's BMW 7 series, Li Yun closed his eyes and rested and said, "I want to know what you want from me. Don't hide it."

Zhu Dayou is different from Qian Hu before. Qian Hu is only a small leader with a very low level. However, Zhu Dayou is a real big boss of gray industry with many companies under his command.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!