Godly Choice System - Chapter 830

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:52:15 AM

Chapter 830

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"Choice 1: promise her and kiss Tang Anxi directly, reward Tang Anxi's popularity + 100, and the host may get one excellent talent in the future. Tang Anxi is qualified to become a female president, female director, big star, big singer, etc.

Option 2: cold rejection, reward Tang Anxi's good feeling + 100.

Choice three: refuse, but invest in Tang Anxi, give her pills, let her become better, reward Tang Anxi's good feeling + 100, Tang Anxi becomes more promising. "

Finally, the system sends out a prompt.

Li Yun can't help laughing and crying at the three options. He turns down Tang Anxi coldly, but he can get a good impression. That is to say, Tang Anxi has already been well received now, but he believes that he is the person around him in the future and will never change.

If there is no system prompt, Li Yun may be able to leave.

But now Tang Anxi has a full degree of favor for him, Li Yun again indifferent treatment, always feel some inhuman.

However, Li Yun can't make friends with Tang Anxi directly or even take her home to introduce her to Princess Fang Xue, Li Feng and Princess Yongning.


"I'll talk about it later."

Li Yun no longer patted her on the shoulder, but rubbed her head. Her dark hair was beautifully arranged and confused by Li Yun, but Tang Anxi was full of tenderness.

"When you get into college and become a woman with real self-confidence, can you talk about it again?"


Tang Anxi nods heavily. Although she guesses that Li Yun is just comforting her, she needs this comfort and hope to support her to go on.

"By the way, I'll give you something."

Li Yun took out a few small pills and said, "it will be good after taking them Can you trust me

This is actually nonsense. Tang Anxi can't wait to take over the things in Li Yun's hands and nods fiercely all the time. Of course, she believes in Li Yun without reservation.

"Well, I'm going back. You should go back earlier to review the subject."

With Li Yun's pills to improve her body and memory, and Tang An Xi's brain, maybe she can get into a good university.

Tang An Xi got out of the car and immediately went to the driver's seat window. After hesitating, he whispered, "Li, Li Yun, can you kiss me, Li Yun..." I, that's still my first kiss. I didn't give it to anyone. I'm not... "

Li Yun smiles slightly, takes her small hand, lets her slightly crouch, lightly kisses on her forehead.

Only a simple kiss, but let Tang An Xi Jiao's body shake violently.

"Go back."

"Well I like you, Li Yun. We'll see you again! "

Tang Anxi said this sentence, he quickly turned his head and ran away. When he turned to the corner, he looked back at Li Yun with a firm look in his eyes.

"Next time we meet, I'll make you like me!"


Make "Tang Xi'an" and "Tang Xi'an + 100" in life.

Note: because Tang Anxi is not Bai Fumei, there is no red envelope in this full favor. When Tang Anxi becomes an excellent white rich beauty in the future, it can help the host to serve as CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the peak of life, the system will make up for the red envelope reward. "


What the hell!?

Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry. What the kengdao system did was discriminate against Tang Anxi. He didn't even have a red envelope.

But thinking of Tang Anxi, Li Yun shook his head helplessly.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!