Godly Choice System - Chapter 848

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:51:47 AM

Chapter 848

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Fanqingsheng was not polite. He took the pills from Li Yun directly. He did not thank him or refuse it. It seemed to be a matter of course.

Li Yunzhi, she wants it. It's so simple.

One side of the small servant girl saw this scene, a strong stare at Li Yun, lovely big eyes full of anger, silver teeth clenched, a pair of eager to rush up to bite him.

"Cough, since we have finished our breakfast, let's take a rest and set off."

Li Yun turns the topic quickly, lest be bitten by the small servant girl of Ao Jiao and protect the Lord.

"Ding, host makes a choice, rewards experience + 500000, all attributes + 500, purple Gift Bag * 1, additional bonus: heavy leg technique upgraded to intermediate."

Unexpectedly, he made a decision and the reward came. Li Yun looked at his current attribute and decided to strengthen it again before the battle.

"System, open 20 white gift bags!"

Returning to the living room with the women, Li Yun sat on the sofa to have a rest, and at the same time silently read to open the bag.

It's been a long time since I opened the bag last time. I won a reward of 30 white bags once. Now there are nearly 50 bags in total. Should I open a good thing?

"Ding, the host gets white grade items from the white gift bag: 17 pieces of women's swimsuits in various colors."

I'm Cao?

Li Yun is so stupid that he rewards 14 swimsuits at one time. This NIMA's is too So what!

Wait, 17?

Fang Xue, Li Feng, Xia Feiyao, Wan Qingfei, Gong Qingyu, Gong Lianyi, Wan Qingfei, Yongning, Anxi, Xiaojiao, etc.

It's only 13 in all. Is there anything else?

Li Yun glanced at the items bar and found that three of them were very small, similar to the swimsuits worn by junior high school students. They should be Hu Xiaomeng, Caiwei and Caixia.

"Does kengdao system remind me not to forget Hu Xiaomeng?"

Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry. In other words, Hu Xiaomeng said that she had been back to Longyang county a long time ago, but she has not been seen yet. She is still studying in other places.

"Ding, the host gets a mobile phone holder."

"Ding, Curtain * 1."

"Ding, cool oil * 1."

"Ding, a case of diapers."


There's a lot of messy things. If it wasn't for the unlimited inventory, Li Yun's space ring would not have been saved.

"I'll go. There's nothing in 20 white gift bags!" Li Yun is depressed, grits his teeth and simply opens the rest!

"Ding, the host gets a bag of instant noodles, a small portable gas tank * 1, and five boxes of delicious biscuits..."

Nearly 30 gift bags are still a pile of garbage, Li Yunquan is a fool, this luck is no one, to buy lottery tickets is sure to win.


Li Yun's heart moved, immediately recited: "the system, will open my two golden gift bags!"

Whether you can win the grand prize depends on now!

"Ding, the host opens the golden gift bag and gets the gold level reward: Psychic jade pendant!"

Sure enough, I won the prize!

Li Yun's heart is very happy, and look at the hint, this jade pendant is a kind of amulet type equipment, just for Gong Lianyi to defend himself!

At this time, the second golden gift bag into the golden lottery machine slowly stopped, pointed to a lotus flower bud shaped magic instrument, in an instant, Li Yun's eyes a colorful light.

"What, what? Seven color level? "

Suddenly, Li Yun's heart thumping straight jump, excited do not want, hold his breath, waiting for the system's prompt.

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