Godly Choice System - Chapter 909

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:50:08 AM

Chapter 909

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The board chairman not only did not accept her suggestion, but also gave more rewards to more than a dozen interns?

A group of interns are stunned, and then look at her gratefully. After all, it is her reason that leads to the intern bonus increase.

"I'm not saying it's all sales."

Li Yun said with a smile: "it's just the first day's sales of tomorrow. The sales volume of tomorrow will be regarded as the company's reward for everyone!"

Hearing this, Feng Rongchen couldn't laugh or cry. He reminded him, "boss, the first week's sales volume is the most important, because the single player game only causes a topic when it's on sale. Therefore, the first week's sales volume accounts for almost 50% of the total sales volume, and the first day's sales volume accounts for more than 30% of the first week's sales volume!"

Feng Rongchen was very grateful for Li Yun's kindness, so he began to remind him.

"It's OK!"

Li Yun waved his hand. "Although I don't pay attention to the sales of the game, I also know that if a game is good enough, the subsequent sales will be endless!"

Feng Rongchen, as well as a group of game programmers, planners and artists are silent. They can't imagine that the boss trusts their games so much!


Feng Rongchen deeply bowed to Li Yun, "thank you for your trust, we will keep the game updated, strive to make the game perfect, let more people buy this game later, I promise!"

"Good." Li Yun stood up, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "it's enough to have you. Let's call it a day. You go to work and prepare for tomorrow's press conference."

"Yes! Take your time, boss

Everyone is high spirited, ready to start from now to the end of tomorrow, reward the company these amount of praise bonus!

Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry. It seemed that they all knew that they would not stay long, so they went straight away.

"OK, don't be tired. I'll go first. I have to go back and review my lessons."

“…… Take your time, boss

Seeing the directors grow up and step away, all the employees can't help crying and laughing. Boss, you have given us a hundred million bonus in one day. Are you still worried about the college entrance examination?

"Ding, host makes a choice, reward: employee loyalty is greatly improved, golden gift bag * 1, justice value + 5000, Baiyun technology popularity will be greatly improved."

After walking out of the building, Li Yun received a reward prompt from the system, which made him extremely comfortable.

Li Yun is basically satisfied with the development of Baiyun science and technology.

It can not only meet his needs of making money, but also provide one or two golden gift bags to strengthen his own strength. Most importantly, Wu Ke is also an expert to manage for him. It can't be better!

"Handsome boy, do you want to have a good time?"

Just as Li Yun wanted to go to the parking lot in front of the building, a beautiful woman in gorgeous, thick lipstick, sexy, short skirt, black silk, with a protruding and backward figure left. Later, she winked at him and asked in a delicate tone.

Li Yun glanced at the charming beauty, thinking in his heart, when did the hair salon sister's business develop to the public? Shouldn't it be in a village in the city, or in some secluded alleys, the girls in the hair salon stand in front of the door, looking at the passing men to say hello?

Can we say that the hair salon sister industry is so competitive that she has to come out to solicit customers?

"Handsome boy, do you want it The girl in the hair salon said dribblely.

Yeah? Pretty boy?

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