Godly Choice System - Chapter 943

Published at 19th of February 2022 06:49:19 AM

Chapter 943

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Take retreat as advance, wonderful.

Gong Qingyu's beautiful eyes brightened, and her eyes toward Li Yun showed a little more approval.

If the people of the Zhong family dare to swallow those antiques, it proves that they have already made complete preparations. Of course, there is no loophole in the receipt as the biggest evidence.

"I can even guess what you're going to do." Gong Qingyu said with a smile: "you cheated my housekeeper last night and proved that the receipt of the goods on it was OK. Then there was a problem. It must be on the seal. You used a fake seal, right?"

Zhong Nansheng's eyes suddenly widened. She looked at Gong Qingyu with a ghost expression. How could she guess?

"Hee hee, I guess it." Gong Qingyu smiles.

"Well, you scumbags

Qingzhu, the servant girl, takes out a small sword. She is angry and wants to split Zhong nanshang in two. Fortunately, Li Yun stops her, otherwise the little girl will really fight back.

On the stage, the enchanting woman leaned on the railing, holding a glass of sweet wine, looked down at Li Yun and fan Qingsheng, and examined the appearance of Gong Lianyi and Gong Qingyu. She nodded unwillingly: "the appearance is OK, the figure is OK, the chest is big and the buttocks are cocky, so she can be a concubine."

The two women around her looked at her in horror. What does that mean, miss? Miss Want to be the eldest wife?

"Let me say one thing."

Yang Dongxue, who had been sitting for a long time, opened his mouth and glanced at Li Yun in his eyes. He said with a smile: "I don't believe the words of the poor. They can do anything for money. Especially for those who dare to drive a domestic car to participate in the auction, such people are the most shameless!"

Gong Qingyu gives him a cold look. He wants to enlarge the contradiction between Li Yun and Wanbao Pavilion into the contradiction between the poor and the rich, and win the approval of those present.

You can see the sinister intention!

"I feel the same way!"

Now Zhong Nansheng was eager for someone to speak for him, so he immediately agreed with him and gave Li Yun a look of disdain: "poor man, you can go back from where you came from to attend the auction of Wanbao Pavilion. You are wearing garbage worth less than 1000 yuan. Who do you look down on?"

Li Yun is now wearing the clothes his sister bought for him. Although it is not high-end, it does not look bad. It is only in this kind of place full of customized top-notch clothes, any one of which is worth hundreds of thousands of clothes, and even wears a necklace and bracelet worth tens of millions, this suit is a little shabby.

"It's OK to wear comfortable clothes. Leader Qiao's cashmere sweater is not more than 1000 yuan, but other people can do great things that affect the world."

Li Yun a light smile, the slightest is not shaken by such ridicule.

"Do you mean you can compare Joe booth?" Yang Dongxue immediately asked.

"At least I'm in the same profession as he is."

Li Yun shrugged his shoulders, looked at Yang Dongxue for the first time, and asked faintly, "you said I don't have money. So, what position do you hold now and how much is the annual cost? Do you have 100 billion assets in your family? "

Xiao Mingzhu, who has been watching the opera, is a little surprised. Li Yun means that his family has money?

"Oh, woodlouse."

Zhong Nansheng took the place of Yang Dongxue and said with a sneer: "this is the eldest son of the Yang family, and his father is the chairman of Daguang Precision Industry Co., Ltd., which controls a large listed company with a market value of 50 billion yuan, owns more than 30% of the equity, and has a dividend of 200 million yuan every year."

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