Published at 30th of November 2019 04:06:16 PM

Chapter 103

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On this day, Secret Guard No.3 and No.4’s understanding of Princess Ding went beyond the definition of woman. The princess could ride a horse? That was nothing. Most women of Xi Ling and Bei Rong could ride horses as well. The princess knew martial arts? That wasn't a big deal as well since they had known it in the manor. But who could explain to them why would the princess break into a bandit camp with two people? Well, there wasn't any bandits at the moment since they were swept away by Mr. Feng San and Hidden Could Soldiers at the night that she was kidnapped. Men of Hidden Could Soldiers were quite unhappy that those stupid bandits dared to name their camp Hidden Could Mountain while provoking His Highness which was an absolute taint on their reputation.

That Ye Li had ridden hundreds of miles and walked to the top of the mountain instead of taking a carriage, not showing any trace of tiredness frustrated Secret Guard No.3 and No. 4 who were no longer in the dark. She turned around and raised her brows at them with confusion. “Why aren't you following? Are you tired?”

Their heads shook like rattle-drums. Secret Guard No.3 mustered the courage and asked: “My Lady, what are we here for?”

Ye Li looked at them with a smile. “Climbing, walking, going on an excursion, relieving boredom, killing you two for sale?”

“My Lady...”

Both Secret Guard No.3 and No.4 had been here before but the moment they arrived they found it was totally different from the last time they were here. The old camp wasn’t destroyed but many mechanism and traps were dismantled which made the way up the mountain easier. Though that was nothing for them who had mastered martial arts, it made great difference for ordinary people. Besides, there were people who lived in the camp. They saw smoke from kitchen chimneys from far away. Did the princess want to take to the greenwood and become an outlaw? Or was there another gang of bandits here that the princess decided to take them two to suppress?

The moment they were near the camp there were barks ahead of them. Soon an energetic old man at his sixties came over with several elders and kids. Seeing Ye Li, they greeted them with smiles: “Mr. Chu.”

Ye Li nodded: “Grandpa Wang, how are you doing lately?”

The old man leaned on his walking stick and nodded repeatedly: “I’m good. Thank you for taking care of us. Please come in.”

She let the old man lead the way. Walking by his side, she asked: “I can’t be here all the time. Do you enjoy staying here, Grandpa Wang?”

The old man said: “It’s not far away nor near the capital. Everything is good. We've been doing as you told us. Do you want to check that out, Mr. Chu? Ah... it's almost time for lunch. You probably haven’t had lunch since you come a long way here, Mr. Chu. How about having lunch first if you don’t mind the simple food here?”

Ye Li had been out since morning and she indeed had not had lunch so she agreed with a nod. The old man told someone to prepare lunch happily and led Ye Li to rest in a plain yet very clean room himself.

“My Lady... this place...” As soon as the old man left, Secret Guard No.3 asked but for a good while he didn’t know what to ask exactly.

Ye Li sat in the chair at ease and said: “You want to ask about this place? After my last visit here, I found it a good place so I found a way to buy it.” It wasn’t far away from the capital, not a desolate place. These woods did have owners but because of those bandits, nobody dared to say anything.

Secret Guard No.4 said with confusion: “My Lady, why do you buy this mountain for? It seems that there’s nothing... of value here.” Neither the woods on the mountain nor other plants looked like they could fetch a high price. Besides, it didn’t seem like there were gold or silver mines in this mountain.

Ye Li blinked. “I didn’t expect to make money out of it. It's an ordinary mountain with a village and several residents at its foot and the top.”

“Its foot?” Secret Guard No.3 remembered that there was indeed a large village at the food of the mountain.

Secret guards weren't stupid. They certainly knew though the village belonged to the princess, there must be something else that attracted her here or she wouldn’t have climbed all the way up. Two pairs of eyes looked at this good-looking young man silently.

Ye Li had no choice but to close the folding fan that she used to feign elegance and said: “Well, I’ll let you have a look after lunch. I believe you know how to be a secret guard or I’ll teach you myself until you understand.”

Secret Guard No.3 and No.4 couldn’t help but shivering and answered almost instinctively: “Understood.”

After a simple lunch, Ye Li thanked the old man and took two secret guards to the other side of the mountain.

Shortly afterwards, Secret Guard No.3 and No.4 finally understood why the princess told them that she could use some help. Climbing down a cliff there was a vast valley covered with towering trees. Though it was in daylight, one can still hear howls of wolves from afar. Why was there such a place near the capital? Ye Li took them around the ghastly woods for a tour and finally found a group of people at work. Those people were busy building some simple lodges, some things that Secret Guard No.3 and No.4 had seen in the practice ground back in the manor and more things beyond their understandings. The most curious thing was that they had been following the princess for these past days and didn’t see her do anything so how did all this come into being?

Coming forward with greetings was a strong man at his thirties. He came immediately when he saw Ye Li. “Mr. Chu.”

Ye Li nodded and said: “How did it go?”

The man had an honest smile and said: “You can rest assured that everything will be all right. We do as you told us. Do you want to have a look?”

She nodded happily and said with a smile: “I’ve seen it all. You guys have done a good job.”

The man ruffled his hair and smiled: “Though we have no idea what those things are for, Mr. Chu, you helped us and gave us a job so we’ll finish it for you.”

Ye Li smiled and said: “It’s nothing. You earn your living by working. I’ve brought new graphs today. See if there’s anything you don't understand, I can tell you in detail.” She took out a pile of graphs and handed them to him.

The man opened them and read through then he smiled: “The graphs are very clear. Let me take them to the masters. Are you coming as well, Mr. Chu?”

“I’ll walk around for a bit and come over when they are finished.”

Only after the man took the graphs and left happily did Ye Li curl her lips and said to the two secret guards who were staring blankly: “You can ask now if you have any questions.”

Secret Guard No.4 looked around him and said: “My Lady... are you building a practice ground here? I see a lot of things similar to what we have in the manor.”

Ye Li nodded with a smile: “Good judgment. Or you can say I’m building a fun playground.”

What a special hobby.

“My Lady, how did you find this place?” Secret Guard No.3 asked.

“Ah, I asked His Highness if there was anywhere that was both secret and fun, he recommended this place. Then I came here and found it was indeed a nice place.”

Secret Guard No.3 frowned, he looked up and said: “But isn’t it easy to break in?” They came here from the cliff just now. Besides, the master of Tianyi Pavilion ran away from the lower side which meant there were more than one routes which led to this place.

Ye Li smiled: “If you are talking about the route on the lower side, I have it blocked. I’ve checked the way out of and into these woods which were 50 miles or more away with a deeper cliff on one side. Besides there are swamps, all kinds of poisonous plants, birds and beasts here. Don’t you see there is medicine to block snakes everywhere? It’s a hunting ground blessed by heaven. Took me a lot of work finding a place like this near the capital. If you plan to reach this place like we just did from above... wait till all the work are done. That route would disappear as well. Besides... if you are not afraid to die, try jumping down with your flying skills.”

Secret Guard No.3 and No.4 instinctively got closer to each other. Judging from the princess' tone, it was more dangerous jumping down than getting in through the woods.

“My Lady, what use do you have... for such a place?” Secret Guard No.3 swallowed saliva and squeezed out a question.

Ye Li was radiant with smiles and said: “Didn't I tell you, for fun. The manor doesn’t have such conditions and is boring. After everything is done here, I can come here for a stroll whenever I’m bored. That must be awesome.”

Secret Guard No.3 and No.4 are horrified. They should have known that the princess was nowhere near normal having such special hobbies. The capital was tricked by the princess... Even if the late prince came back to life, he would be terrified by such a valiant daughter-in-law.

Looking at the devices around her, Ye Li's smiling eyes went slightly darker. Peace wouldn't last forever. Neither could she be a carefree Princess Ding who knew nothing. Big brother had gone to the south and third brother the army... If it wasn’t for the unavoidable danger ahead, big uncle would never let big brother interfere with the affairs of the state, since Mr. Qing Chen was already a big enough name than Xu Family would ever need. Then... she was going to prepare herself before the danger came in order to protect her family in her own way.

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